Newer normal

Once an event or action has taken place that affects you, it’s usually too late to undo it. All you can do from that point forward is mitigate the consequences. The previous paradigm of election outcomes was that whichever side lost wold sulk around and say “Yeah, we’ll see what happens in four years”. Nowadays? I think it’s going to be different.

All those people who burn buildings, overturn cars, break windows, trash police cars, and block traffic? They feel vindicated. They look at the election results and are convinced that their ‘tactics’ worked. The result? Going forward, I expect that every time theres a political choice to be made that is a little polarizing you’re going to see an uptick in violence and ‘civil unrest’ accompanying it. Why? Because the people who perpetrate that sort of thing are now convinced that ‘it works’.

I’m never happy when something I believe in gets shot down at the polls, but I take it like a man. I grumble, I fume, and then I move forward and deal with the consequences. I don’t hunt down supporters of the other side, I don’t burn their businesses, and I don’t threaten their families. But I think that sort of thing is going to become more and more common in future elections.

Mitigation? Well, as Theo. Roosevelt once said in regards to the tactics of the anarachists of the day, “”There is but one answer to be made to the dynamite bomb and that can best be made by the Winchester rifle.” (As an aside, I would totally buy an M4gery made by Winchester.) But I suppose in the future we’ll have to add Election Day (and the weeks leading up to it) as one of those ‘heightened alert’ times. It’s a shame too…I remember when watching election violence with mobs, burnings, and violence was the sort of thing that happened in Third World banana republics.

I guess ‘election related violence’ gets added to the list of ‘Apocalypses That People Prepare For’, right up there with Peak Oil, Planet X, the UN Invasion, and that sort of thing.


17 thoughts on “Newer normal

  1. The “you can’t control what happens but you can control how you react to it’ applies. Unless the rioters are coming into my home, I don’t care what they do. Whether it’s Proud boys, BLM, Antifa, the KKK or the Detroit Lions they can wipe each other out for all I care which only means more beer for me.

    I don’t go to demonstrations or riots so it seems like an easy game. I do remember poor Reginald Denny during the LA riots who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid the price. 20/20 hindsight but he could have put the pedal to the metal and made road pies of the rioters, stayed in his truck or had his own piece on him if he got cornered.

    When I’m out working in the mean streets after 10 pm the attitude is only bad guys and cops (and utility workers) are out at that time. Keep my head on a swivel and the first sign of things going sideways I get in my new 16 ton F550, roll up the windows lock the doors and let the turbo diesel get me the eff out of there: added bonus – I still get paid!

    We also have our own armed security contractors on site who will accompany us if we ask. Let them deal with the paperwork when someone winds up shot.

    • I think you have to consider things a little further than that…I agree, a buncha black-bandana wearing idiots breaking the windows at a Seattle Starbucks doesn’t impact me very much. But when that same group, hundreds of miles from my home, start tinkering with pipelines, transformer stations, rail tracks, or ‘shut down’ businesses that aren’t ‘socially woke’ it then becomes a ‘now I care what they do’ sorta thing.

  2. It only “worked” if Trump concedes, and he’s not going to do that. Biden isn’t elected, and isn’t going to be.

    • I think it’s a foregone conclusion at this point, as much as I wish that I was wrong…

      • Please keep in mind – Donald Trump doesn’t * need* to get 270. Also he has to do is prevent Dementia-Joe from getting to 270,
        Then is goes to the House of Representatives.

        That’s when the real riots start.

  3. wow, you are an optimist. You still believe there are going to be elections that matter in the future. (rather than just show elections)

  4. Peak Oil, lol. I laughed at those guys back then as well as today.

    What upsets me the most is that even knowing for years that the Dims are going to massively commit voter fraud, MY side doesnt do the same to offset it. Winning morally and losing my freedom isnt a place i want to be.
    (well, not punishing the felons committing voter fraud upsets me the most, but you know…)

    • The “Dims” must be bad at voter fraud. Lost seats in the House. Failed to take control of the Senate. Failed to gain ground in governor races. That’s the worst played political conspiracy ever. I liked a lot of what Trump said he was going to do, but it was more of a moral victory to have an outsider in the White House. He shot himself in the foot enough that I don’t need a conspiracy to understand how he could have lost.

      • They’re horrible at it this time around. Tons of ballots only had vote for Biden/Harris but none of the down ballot candidates across the election, which is why they lost house seats and state positions. They won’t make that mistake in 2022. Genie is out of the bottle now, no future election will have credibility.

      • Don’t need to cheat in every district to determine who the President will be. Only in enough states to make sure the Electoral College numbers go their way. Thus the huge effort put forth in Florida, Pennsylvania and so on.

        The Democrats were clearly wildly overconfident about the House elections. Thus felt no need to put any real effort into them, other than a few they were convinced they could pickup.

        The real question at this point will be the Senate run-off elections in Georgia. The Republicans NEED to win both of those to keep a Biden/Harris Presidency from having a majority in both the House and Senate.

  5. I don’t think they’re going to get another bite at that tactic.

    I expect Weapons Free around New Year’s, give or take.
    One court reversal, and it’s on like Donkey Kong.
    They try inaugurating Palpatine and Jar Jar Kneepads as Frauds In Chief, and it’s on the other way.
    Kobayashi Maru.

    And if not, the only election violence will be what you get after you fail to kiss the ring of the New Boss, in word and deed, and in every way imaginable.

    They’re already openly, seriously, and gleefuly talking about shunning, shaming, round-ups, re-education, and gulags, either in total ignorance of history, or gleefully cheering it on. You won’t be free to grumble and bide your time, and there isn’t going to be any fair shot 4 years hence (nor even 2), they’ll compel your full-throated cheering, RFN, and henceforth in perpetuity, or throw you in the boxcar.”For your own good, comrade.

    You won’t vote your way out of that, that sort of counter-revolution can’t be allowed.

    They don’t think “it works”, they know it works.

    There’s only one answer to that sort of thing, and it usually arrives at between 800 and 3200fps.

    Then it’s a Party.

    Matt Bracken’s “Bosnia x Rwanda” may have been a tad optimistic.
    Bracing for that sort of tsunami, in truth, only looks like getting the hell out of the country.

    I decline.

  6. The problem we are facing is that the left (AOC, Robert Reich, and many others) are calling for retribution and “re-education” of all those who supported Donald Trump. I suspect this could still not end well for this country. I am staying prepared for continued violence.

  7. “…I remember when watching election violence with mobs, burnings, and violence was the sort of thing that happened in Third World banana republics”

    And I would submit that while we might not be a banana republic yet, you can see it from here…

  8. Remember, if it goes jiggy, target the leaders, not the foot soldiers, to have the maximum effect. Those now calling for retribution should move to the top of your list.

  9. Baloney! What are we missing? Kleptocratic dictator? Clintons are still hovering in DC, and not in a prison.
    I say bullshit, we ARE a bananna republic. Long live Amerika!

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