Quiet day

One thing I like about winter – when it’s cold and unpleasant outside, it is the perfect time to hang out in the basement organizing supplies and going over the reassuring stash of food, meds, tools, ammo, and other goodies that make life a lot easier when the wheels fly off.

Thanksgiving is in two weeks. I need to check the freezer and see if i have any turkey left over from last years post-Thanksgiving sales. And, of course, Black Friday Friday Of Color sales will ge up in a few weeks. I suspect that this years sales will be rather lackluster since anyone in a field that is even remotely gun-related doesn’t need a sale to get merchandise moving out the door. Still, I’ll keep my eyes open,.

2021 approaches and it’s going to be an interesting year. Not in a good way, I suspect. But…I’m all about resilience. Just keep adding layers and layers of options, backups, and alternatives.

Oh, and while rummaging through the stored food I found some canned goods of rather advanced age that I’m thinking I might have to test out ‘for science’. We’ll see how that goes.

13 thoughts on “Quiet day

  1. Truly ‘expired’ canned goods also make great targets!
    If you have chickens, they’ll eat the mess when you’re done!

  2. the concern is 2020 was a warm-up pitch for 2021, if that is the case then canned food (or freeze dried) medical supplies and ammo sound pretty good.

  3. Had a 15 year old can of Spam for breakfast this morning. Browned the spam in a frying pan with a brown sugar glaze. Added pineapple chunks to the pan. Poured it all over white rice.

    Life is good.

  4. Opened a 6 yr out of date pop top can of spam yesterday, looked and tasted like it was just purchased.
    Still don’t trust the pop top cans.

    • “looked and tasted like it was just purchased.”
      So, it was bad, then? 🙂
      Sorry, the stuff makes me wanna go hungry.

  5. I had made plans to go grocery shopping yesterday. Had a minor delay with getting called in to work.
    I was kind of confused as to how wiped out the store was. It was like March all over again.
    Then I got home and found out our governor has ordered a 2 week lockdown starting next Wednesday.
    As usual, what has to close and what can stay open makes no sense.

  6. Took some circa 2015 outdate tomato paste out of storage, a couple of months ago. SEVERAL (like, 12 out of 15) were swollen, or oozing foul looking black stuff.

    Had been kept in my heated basement.

    Glad we had that “Oops!” Moment during, relatively, good times!

    • Tomatoes and tomato products, like any other high-acid foodstuff, just dont keep well in cans for long-term. I find that I can get a couple years and then things start getting weird. This is why I store tomato powder for long term.

        • Butter powder, cheese powder, cream powder– I’ve got ’em all. They also don’t seem to last forever as they get ‘old’ tasting and color changes. I will put the next batch in the freezer.

          I have can failures most often with tomato products, pineapple products, and canned mango.

          I had a whole batch of canned beef from Brazil go bad within a month of its best by date. Pop top cans.

          Haven’t had a failure with the spam though.


  7. Been quite here other than the cow that got loose and ended up in our back yard. Whether is finally turning cold and luckily the fall vegetable plants are still producing. My part time job is becoming a full one but might as well make the extra money now. Stack the supplies, sock the money away and keep healthy.

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