Its beginning to look a lot like Festivus……….

The holiday season approaches. Whats on my list for Christmahanukwanzakah? Not much, actually. Oh, sure, a Barrett will always be on the list but other than that….I think I’m set.

Usually I give out 10/22 mags as gifts since I got into them so cheaply but, unfortunately, the Current Situation has me thinking that I’m better off holding onto them since in about two years they’ll be worth at least $50 each (give or take the $200 tax stamp).

Tell you what, doing holiday shopping for anyone who is into guns must be quite a challenge right now since virtually anything gun related is outta stock at most stores. On the other hand, give someone a 20-rd box of Winchester white box .223 and it’d be almost like handing out crisp $50 bills.

What are you asking Santa/Hanukah Harry/Voodoo Man for this year?

20 thoughts on “Its beginning to look a lot like Festivus……….

  1. Good call on the ammunition gifting thought. Not only more valuable now, but you help a person who may return the favor in the future, or protect you and/your property from harm. The last rimfire ammo drought, some rimfire ammunition was traded with another individual for a much higher cost. Initially purchased at $3 a box, I was able to trade the person approximately 3 times the cost. Rimfire is valuable too – practice ammunition that is much more quiet than centerfire.

  2. I’m thinking night vision optics. With ammo and primers in short supply every shot will need to count, even in the dark.

  3. I’m asking for the restoration of Our Republic…
    To be realized by the efforts of American Patriots
    defeating communism throughout Our land.
    Beyond that, eh…nothing in particular.

  4. A nice knife is always appreciated. There’s one for every budget. Like guns, you can never have too many. A nice EDC folder will be used by the recipient several times daily. A very nice fixed blade knife is a keepsake for generations.

    A quality automatic watch is another great gift, and will still be ticking reliably for decades after the lights go out and batteries are long gone.

    Well-build hand tools are another practical option.

    • Peter – Mark Twain said it best – “a gentleman can never have too many good knives”. I figure I’m either a blade or two short (not really) or not quite a gentleman. I prefer to handle and pick out my own but won’t turn one down if ya send one my way 🙂

  5. My want is simple yet complicated. The complete and total destruction of the CPUSA/DNC party and incarceration of all of their toadies and leaders.

    • I read that as “…and incineration of all their toadies and leaders.”

      Then I re-read it.

      I like my version better.

      • Hey. Whatever works. If it’s good enough for the Catholic Church it’s good enough for us.
        I guess we could toss a few in the drink bound with chains. If they drown at least we’ll know they aren’t witches.

  6. My request is simple: Peace on earth, goodwill to men ( meaning all ). God bless. Probably won’t happen but I ask anyway.

  7. Santa I would like an Electra Townie bicycle model 9QE, in green if you have it,

    It’s not just guns/ammo that are short. Most bikes come from east asia and a lot are in short supply. I wanted to replace a townie 21D this summer(take the 21 to florida) and have something new for Michigan. My local dealer, who expected to get more bikes this fall, is now being told maybe in April.
    Prepper friends, have you ever considered how much you could load on a bike? Not just in addition to you, but loaded up with you pushing the bike. I figure if I ever have to skedaddle a couple of fat tired bikes would be going with. I’m fat 72 with other health issues that preclude wearing a pack.

    • First off I don’t do bikes. If I ride anything it’s got to have a motor or four legs that move.
      That said the method you describe worked damn well on the Ho Chi Minh trail system in Vietnam. Bikes equipped with four woven baskets that could carry anything from rice and tinned fish to AK 47s or SKS carbines and ammo and mags. The average Viet Cong was about 5’6″ weighed in at somewhere between 110 lbs to maybe 120 lbs. Army intelligence estimated this set up could move somewhere in the neighbourhood of up to 300 lbs. The NVA that Hathcock took out with his at the time record shot was carrying AKs and magged up Ammo. By the way. Hathcock’s shot was measured at a bit over 2700 yards. Was made with a M2 Browning Machine gun fitted with a special plate made to accept his Urtle Sniper scope.

  8. Mine is sorta simple. I would like some magazine springs for my metal 30 rounders. I have around 10 that no longer feed properly.

  9. I’m going all in on knives that I’ve always wanted and procrastinated. And meat, vacuum sealers, holsters, knives, camp cooking gear, accessories, etc. I CAN afford to buy ammo, but I WON’T at these ridiculous prices. Not sure if it’s dealer gouging, supply/demand, or price from the manufacturer (more gouging?). I was eager to top off some 10mm and 30-30, but I won’t pay $6 per round for now. I have a plenty.

    Stocking stuffers for the boys are Cold Steel Bowie Spikes and Boker Magnum Outdoor Cuisine knives.
    Wife is getting a Cold Steel Cheapshot, extra bolts, and a quiver (hee, hee).

  10. My Christmas wish is to be rid of our Liberal Gov’t. With their foolish restrictive gun laws and their rampant corruption. But that’s just me. A member in good standing of Canucks Unlimited. TTFN

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