Casus belli

Gotta say…no burning police stations, no flipped over police cars, no looted Starbucks….still a more peaceful protest than your average BLM march.

Doesn’t matter though… these are the sorts of optics that people need to further an agenda of nerfing your gun rights. They’ll say that, clearly, there is a ‘clear and present danger’ in America of ‘right wing extremists’ and that those ‘weapons of war have no place on our streets’ and that ‘reasonable, commonsense’ legislation is needed to……, etc, etc, etc.

Probably add in body armour just for good measure…’cause those ‘right wing extremists’ were armored up against the ‘legitimate government’.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of electoral misconduct and impropriety, it’s hard to not think that all this news footage of outrage and outrageousness isn’t going to come back in the form of justification for some sort of Draconian legislation.

I’ve been banging this drum for years, that a new ban was coming…… maybe this is the year. Certainly, it seems more likely this year than at any point previously. Take your stimulus money and grab a couple stripped lowers and a twenty-pack of magazines, guys…might be glad you did in the not too distant future.

24 thoughts on “Casus belli

  1. that had to be staged and allowed to happen almost as an agent provacateur type event. Years ago, when I was in the Capitol building you couldn’t fart without three cops glaring at you. Took waaayyy too long to throw a bunch of in-bred hillbillys off the property.

  2. Buying body armor?


    If it gets that bad, we’ll just be stripping it off the bodies.
    Soap and water, and a little hydrogen peroxide, and it’s good as new.

    I’ve heard. 😉

    • my uncle was in the third wave onto the beach at D-day. I asked him how much ammo he had on him during the largest assault in human history. He said 80 rounds, ammo was laying everywhere and he didn’t worry about running out.

      • That was our side, the germans(or third rate conscripts in german uniforms) were out of ammo before 9am.

  3. After close examination of the still images and video I am of the mind that most of those who entered the Capitol building and entered the House Chamber were ANTIFA and BLM agents provocateurs. The image of the individual at the Dias wgmhere the Speaker and Vice President are seated during the State of the Union address fits the classic image of an ANTIFA foot soldier. Further evidence can be seen in the chat rooms of both of these terrorist groups. They have been planning this since the President called Patriots to assemble on 1-6-2021. They did the same thing in 2016 at Trump rallies in Commiefornia. They wore MAGA garb and mingle with Trump supporters. This is a Marxist tactic since the days of the old Weather Underground and Students for a Democratic Society. SDS. And of course the low IQ idiots in media were panting over the violence of the Trump supporters. You watch what happens when many if these people are identified as Marxist foot soldiers in the radical leftist movement. You won’t hear a word after that.

    • It may have been agent provocateurs, but even if they were it does not change the validity of my statement.

      • Didn’t say it did. Just offering more information. I saw the SDS and Weather Underground come to the forefront. Kent state it was learned nearly thirty years later was started by an SDS member who fired a 38 sol towards the National Guard. He was also a CI for the FBI.

  4. The female shot thru the neck for breaching a window. People standng behind the shooter and .massive amount of democrats praise the shot. Same ones that want stand your ground laws and guns taken away. Think real hard….2legs good 4 legs bad. Twitter booted me st 1PM PT guess I had to much free speech….fuckem.

  5. In a way it’s reassuring to see that even an unorganized, unarmed or lightly armed group of people can raise this kind of hell.

    Now imagine 2,500 or so people, trained and organized, properly led and equipped with basic small arms doing this. They could take AND HOLD that building and .gov would need artillery to get them out.

    If this is what junior varsity can accomplish, imagine what senior varsity could do.

    And was shamefully unprepared for this. Love it!

  6. “Now imagine 2,500 or so people, trained and organized, properly led and equipped with basic small arms doing this. They could take AND HOLD that building and .gov would need artillery to get them out.”

    –to what end though? and I think it’s more likely that it will be thousands of untrained and unorganized people, acting on their own initiative, “self radicalizing” with no co-conspirators to narc or turn coat, — ‘do one and then done’.

    trained organized and led is trad thinking. No resupply. No forward bases. No training bases. No safe zones. No evac, no TCCC. No air support. Compromised comms. Any group bigger than 3 is too big, and three is probably pushing it.

    “If this is what junior varsity can accomplish, imagine what senior varsity could do.

    And was shamefully unprepared for this. Love it!”

    –or they let it happen. Now the ‘servants of the public’ are saying “well this changes everything, Biden won!” On today of all days, there was NO effective security? No effective door locks? But they had disposable gas mask hoods, and encouraged them to hide in fear under their desks. ‘SEE that’s what a baying mob sounds like! That’s what’s coming for you if you don’t crush this NOW! Orange man must be removed immediately!’

    One thing fairly consistent is the left just can’t wait. They can’t wait 14 more days, they want to impeach and 25A him RIGHT NOW!!1111!!!11!

    Hopefully their premature actions will give patriots an opportunity to do SOMETHING, even if it’s just make another Costco run.


    • it’s also pretty inconsistent when Trump wanted to do a photo op last summer at a church across the street from the capitol and security was able to clear the BLM crowd out in half a minute. Yet the trumpies were allowed to linger for over an hour.

      Also saw the speakers podium up for sale on ebay for $440, free shipping. looks like it’s been taken down (:

  7. You may want to read the Washington Posts editorial and reconsider if at least one building should of been looted and burned. The Eccles building too for real effect.

  8. In the image of security/police with guns drawn behind barricaded door, note the IFF stripes on the slides of at least two pistols (probably guys from same agency). If someone was looking to buy a few seconds advantage when sneaking in disguised as one of TPTB, that might help.

  9. I find it hard to believe that Chuck Shumer wrote a four or five page diatribe while hiding in a closet. That was written well in advance.

  10. I really don’t think gun rights will be anywhere near the top of the list of fallout effects, but there is always some sound rational for that next purchase (meant jokingly). Content regulation on social media, done by private companies, is more likely. Unclear if it would even be a 1st amendment issue, given it is not much different than when newspapers regulated content. That and clipping Trumps’ wings a bit. Plenty on both sides of the aisle would like to see him go away quietly so they can have more of a spotlight. But, I am also a believer that gun control is more of a campaign fund raising thing of late. You actually do it and you are kicking a hornet’s nest. Plus the courts have been striking too many gun laws down. Better to just rally the base and let others obstruct your feeble attempts. But if I am wrong you can waggle your finger at me call me an idiot.

  11. Yesterday was one of the darkest days in the history of America. tRump and Company fermented a crowd of supporters into a group of rioters. Under tRump and Company’s cajoling, the rioters stormed the capitol. This act of sedition only served to motivate all parties to certify the college of electors faster. Oh, and four people died.

    Of historical note, the last time any group had successfully stormed the hallowed halls of Congress was in 1814 when the British did it.

    As for the party of Lincoln, tRump has delivered them a serious blow. Under tRump, the claims that Republicans are the party of freedom and law and order are bullshit. Under tRump, the Republican party has devolved into the party of fascism.

    Years ago, tRump referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House. Now people in those countries are asking: “who’s the shithole now?”

    What I don’t understand is how any group would support tRump. Why, on God’s earth, would someone chose to support a would-be dictator? He doesn’t even make the trains run on time.

    • There’s room for all opinions here as long as it’s relatively civil. He disagree’s with most of us, we disagree with him. Talk it out, keep it civil, and theres no problems.

      • Fair enough.
        And of course: your blog, your rules.

        And Obvious Troll is Obvious.

        But I must note for the record that “being civil” unilaterally has gotten us to exactly where we are today: on the verge of open civil war.

        I understand not wanting to fight one in your comments section.

        Mutual civility, long absent in this republic, would have stopped that road march long since.

        But truth isn’t the first casualty in war.
        Civility is. (Kind of inherently noted by the word “war”.)
        I have a feeling it’s about to become a luxury no longer affordable.

        Dammit, man, it’s a revolution, you’re going to have to offend somebody!
        – William Daniels as John Adams, 1776

  12. “Years ago, tRump referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries” during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House. Now people in those countries are asking: “who’s the shithole now?” ”

    –only someone who was full of self-hate and had never actually been to a shithole could say something this stupid. Our shittiest of shitty cities are paradises compared to Haiti, Rwanda, Lagos, Liberia, or any of the other failed states.

    And which parts of America are the shittiest? Who has been in charge of those places for decades? And what might the residents of those places all have in common? I’ll answer myself. Democrat run big cities (and former big cities), and they’re filled with low IQ, low education, violent criminal gangs.


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