Don Keydick was parking the car

Im a lot of things, some good, some not good, but no one has ever said I don’t have a sense of humour. Usually inappropriate. Case in point – yesterdays trip to pickup some pizza.

Well, it’s not like I was gonna use my real name, right? (And, yes, once in a while it’s Commander Zero’s name up on the board.) It’s just good clean fun, guys….no need to get worked up over it.

I suspect that has the world continues it’s spiral into whatever madness awaits, having a sense of humour (which usually correlates to a heightened sense of irony as well) is gonna come in real handy.

19 thoughts on “Don Keydick was parking the car

  1. Having a positive attitude and good overall emotional health is directly related to your immune system. A year ago, all the people running around thinking the sky was falling because of the China Virus were only suppressing their own immune response and making themselves more vulnerable.

  2. I thought it was funny , I would use the name Donner at restaurants and always got a laugh from someone when they called for the “Donne Party ” don’t get to do that much anymore they text you or give you a buzzer .

  3. Small world, went to the hut yesterday also, so I could take lunch to the attractive ladies at a meeting. I like to use Eli Yoder from the Amish Mafia (tag line: we shall smite thee)

  4. I am willing to have a good pizza sent so you don’t have to endure that less than optimum cracker with ketchup

  5. Really? Studley Hungwell, Esq. has been ordering carryout in my town for years, along with his Vietnamese cousin Phuq Ewe.

  6. You could always go old-school Brit: Hugh Jampton.
    Run the words together and you get huge “hampton” which is Cockney rhyming slang: Hampton Wick = pr**k.

    • Well, yeah…but so what? Its fun, no one gets hurt, makes people roll their eyes….

  7. Justin Tip
    Al Kohol
    Edmund Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo)
    Mahoney Shots
    Dick Johnson

  8. Justin Case
    Phil McRevice
    Michael Fitzpatrick or Patrick Fitzmichael
    Rick O’Shay

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