More goal tending……

79.66% of the way to the 2022 silver goal. Once that’s knocked off the list I can wrap up the gold goal for the year and then its balls-deep into getting the land fund fully funded.

And I have to do that in the midst of an inflationary cycle, during a pandemic, during an international crisis, while juggling all my usual responsibilities. But..If I pull it off….well!

19 thoughts on “More goal tending……

  1. nice, love me some silver stacks.

    FYI and probably preaching to the choir but there was a small scale cyber attack on the electric grid last night. Might be nothing. May be prudent to keep gas tanks full and extra cash on hand, but then the people that will survive are already set for any eventualities as CZ demonstrates by his actions.

  2. I went to the Metals Pimp site today and saw that particular item was sold out. Now I know why. You snooze, you lose. I guess I should’ve been quicker.

  3. I get US Silver Eagles only. I haven’t heard of “Sunshine Minting” and unless there is a Silver assay kit handy, would not trade for one. The US mint coins, however, are much more recognizable. A check of weight, diameter and the general quality of the stamping and it’s good to go.

    • Perhaps, but because you haven’t heard of them doesn’t mean most people who would put a value on silver haven’t.

      • You are correct, CZ, but if we ever crash to the point where I’m trading silver for food or a vehicle, I’m gonna be dealing primarily with folks who unfortunately don’t know pre-64 silver coins from current coins, nor Sunshine Mint bars from American Eagles. I’ve been telling my local coin dealer that if things fall apart, he’s going to be much in demand because I predict it will be quite some time — if ever — before Americans understand the different types of silver that will be in use. And you can bet the cheats/con men will be out to fleece the sheep as fast as possible.

      • EXACTLY…Just because you might not like something (no accounting for taste) doesn’t mean you should not something for somebody else! I happen to hate modern bars over old pour or Kit Kat bars.

        I prefer SilverTowne Buffalo nickel replicas, myself, but have all kinds of coins and medallions. If you can’t do a simple ping test you shouldn’t dally in silver anyway. Peeps!

        Also, the silver cache isn’t for during the horrible /terrible times, it’s for after, it’s wealth preservation mostly! For this guy anyway!

    • Probably nothing immediately since it’ll take me a while to recover financially. But, within a year or two, perhaps a small, unobtrusive, secure little cabin. Definitely a hole in the side of a hill with a stash of goodies. That sort of thing.

  4. I chuckle wherever i see metals being mentioned because I know there are people who are out there nashing their teeth and yelling that metals outside of ammo is going to be worthless when tshtf.
    It’s always….
    I’m not going to trade a gold coin for a can of beans!!
    I sometimes reply ” you’re right, but my gold coin will buy your property at sheriffs auction when you can’t pay the taxes once SHTF is over. ”
    Preparedness isnt these short events only, it’s also about the long game too.

    • One of the ways I see it, but not the only way, is that silver and gold are for the time inbetween “business as usual” and “Mad Max”. In other words, the silver and gold isnt for the current situtaion, and it isn’t for when we’re in the Mad Max apocalypse, but rather for that interval where we are descending into chaos and theres still things to buy but the money is failing.

  5. How much Bitcoin or other popular cryptocurrency do you own or plan to own as part of being diversified?

  6. How do you go about finding a reputable dealer to buy from? Do they assay it or is there a third party that does this?

    I really want to start collecting, but I don’t know the first thing about it.

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