Three day weekend

I had almost forgotten that, on some levels, this is a three-day weekend due to Presidents Day. For those of you over a certain age,  you may recall that Presidents Day is the holiday that supplanted Lincoln’s Birthday and Washington’s Birthday as federal holidays. Then. naturally, the good idea fairy showed up and it was decided that we needed Monday holidays to give more three-day weekends.

Regardless, its an opportunity for me to catch up on some things. Most notably, I really need to rotate some things out of food storage. For instance, since CostCo has the canned roast beef back in stock I plan on moving a bunch of my older stuff into the kitchen for use and replacing it with more recent production stock.

And, speaking of CostCo, I got my rebate bonus from them yesterday. I was toying with the idea of getting another freezer but I’m really not sure where I’d put it. Not only do i have to find a location for it, I have to make sure it gets plugged into a circuit that is separate from the current freezer since I’d prefer not to have the issue of both freezer’s compressors going at the same time and creating a draw that overloads things. But, more pressing, I just cant find the room.

So, it’ll be clipboard-in-hand for a few hours late tonight in the basement, Bluetooth speaker playing podcasts, while I make sure I’m up-to-date with the preponomicon. Not an exceptionally fun way to spend an extra day off, but, for me, a pretty satisfying one.

13 thoughts on “Three day weekend

  1. Hi Commander,
    would you care to share some of the podcasts you were listening to?
    I’m sure many other readers would be interested in a list of “Commander-approved” shows, even those non related to survivalism.
    Thanks from Italy,

    • Its nothing predictable. What I do listen to regularly, usually as background noise, while doing preparedness tasks is Forgotten Weapons, Nutnfancy, Dave Ramsey, and a couple other related media. But, now that you mention it, I’m open to suggestions of “Hey, you should try giving this guy a listen…”

  2. We are gonna spend the holiday clearing our pantry and restacking, and of course rotating the older stuff to front.
    Will probably find a little more room to add things.
    Fun day ahead.

  3. Most of prepping ain’t very thrilling. Just finished rotating the annual gas supply – after an ice storm.
    Nobody was out there clapping for me :/). But it’s done.

  4. Most people don’t think about using the air space in a room or cellar. Unless you already have shelving above your current freezers, consider building a frame or platform above them, providing you have enough space to open the lids of both for adequate access, or maybe get the type that have sliding drawers in the front. There are also heavy duty shelving hangers intended to add storage for garages, that hang from the ceiling, so you don’t have structures that interfere with vehicles and walking about.

    Either method may help expand your freezer space. I’m not sure I would want to mount freezers in the upper space of a garage, though, as they tend to not be insulated, and summer heat might be a problem for them to handle.

  5. Might be feasible to remove the lid hinges so you just remove the lid for access. couple brackets to slide the lid under to hold them in position should be workable.

    • We use a brick that we clued some felt to the bottom works great, We also installed two D handles for the lifting!

      We relocated the light

  6. Packing for move, checking the food stash while doing so. Found that a bucket of rice was weevil infested and tossed it. It looks like a bad lid, and the mylar bag inside had small holes, possibly from the rice after putting in an O2 absorber and sealing it. The good thing is that I can toss it instead of having to use it. It also is a lesson to check my preps more often.
    I am trying using freezer gallon ziplock bags instead, but is there a better way to keep the food safe?

    • That happened to us once and we just winnowed the rice in front of our yard fan we use during BBQ’s and real sealed it…and its fine years later

    • As a kid growing up watching my grandmother cook, she would always tell me stories about raising a family during the Depression and boiling rice or barley, would just let the bugs float to the surface to be skimmed off. I thought that was disgusting as a kid, but she was quick to remind me that I had never experienced real hunger.

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