“Nice AK”, the officer said…………

Scene:  driving into Polson MT. Flashing rear lights in the mirror. Pull over and wait for the cop to walk up to the car. Keep in mind, at this point there’s the Glock on my hip, one in my bag, a Ruger 9mm under the seat and…a drum-mag’d AK sitting on the passenger seat, with the butt and pistol grip conveniently angled towards me.

“I’m Officer [XXX] with the Polson PD. I pulled you over because you were doing 55 down the hill, its a 45 zone.”

“Sorry, man.”, I said, and when he asked why I was driving ‘so fast’ I gave him the Universally Accepted Reason For Any Guy Doing Something Stupid.

He shines his flashlight into the back of the truck and then into the footwell of the passenger side of the front seat.

“Nice AK”, he says.

“Thats my travel AK. Don’t leave home without it. I have a nicer Arsenal one at home, this  is  just a WASR”

“Don’t leave home without it”, he murmurs, clearly amused. “I have a friend up in Kalispell whose built a few AK’s. He folds the flats and does the rivetting….”, he says.

We chat for a few minutes about 7.62×39 vs. 5.45×39. He takes my ID and says “Am I gonna find any warrants on you when I run this?”

“Nope. Should be clean as a whistle.”

He comes back and says “Ok, Im giving you a warning. Slow down.”

And me and my passneger-seated-and-drum-magazine’d WASR-10 continued on our merry way.

See, thats one of the things I like about MT. No muss, no fuss. Lotta places the minute he sees the rifle on the passenger seat it would turn into an ‘incident’. But, hey, I didnt reach for my gun, he didnt reach for his gun, so we can all be civilized and chat about guns for a couple minutes.

And, before anyone asks, yes in Montana you can have a loaded rifle in the vehicle. Heck, you can have a loaded anything. And no, you don’t have to inform the cop if youre carrying a gun. And you don’t need a permit to carry it openly..or concealed..or to buy it. It’s almost like living in a free country.

18 thoughts on ““Nice AK”, the officer said…………

  1. Surest way to get a commie takeover is to let just anybody carry guns around like that. I can just visualize a buncha liquored up New York City BLM & Antifa pinkoes or Trudeau Commie Canadiennes in a caravan of 20 year Mercury Monarchs chock full a commies, AK’s, Glock and dum-Dum bullets all Red Dawn-like rolling over Montana in one fail swoop. While you guys is all complacent. Be careful what you wish for. Officer [XXX] of the Polson PD better be more careful. And diligent too.

    You stay safe CDR Zero. You are doing the Lord’s work.
    – LT H.P. Flashman, USN (ret)

    • Just like the answer to speach you don’t like is not to ban speach, the answer to “New York City BLM & Antifa pinkoes or Trudeau Commie Canadiennes in a caravan of 20 year Mercury Monarchs” is not to ban AKs, Glocks, or even dum dum bullets.

      Also if you’re worried about the people of Montana being overrun by any outside force, you can rest easy, though I would pay good money to see a BLM / aunt tifa crew try and burn down a market on the rez

  2. TN is pretty much there, but not quite. We can’t carry a long gun around (officially–out here in the hills, walk down the road to a buddy’s place to shoot, they don’t care); in a vehicle, you’re good. Vehicles are considered an extension of the home.
    The fact that it has to be written into law shows that they really don’t understand “shall not be infringed”, though.

  3. God Bless and hopefully all of the blue-staters don’t pressure legislators to change the laws “for the children”. In Cali, we just hidey hole them. Unless you do something stupid or have a record no one is searching the car/truck/rv most of the time. Of course, the Blue Hives don’t actually need a reason……..I personally am working on getting a nice used Class B as my almost every day driving vehicle.

  4. I once got stopped by a cop in Townsend for doing 65 in a 55 – at night. He said I was a danger to myself (the road was empty except for the two of us). I might hit a deer. I got a ticket, and had the choice of paying it (with a check made payable to the Judge by name, oddly, not to the court) or going to jail to wait for a hearing. I paid – with a bad check. The next morning I borrowed some money and hurried to the bank to cover the check. Different times, different cops.

    • Once got a ticket in Oklahoma (I was TX resident on my way to Arkansas). Was given option of writing a check or going to jail. Wrote check, but they also held my license until it cleared. Mailed it back to my TX address a month or so later. I had to use the ticket as my ID to but alcohol that weekend.

  5. ” It’s almost like living in a free country.”

    Yeah, but there’s that “winter” thing……

    • Thank you for your optimism. Much appreciated! However, that is a not a very quantifiable statement, sadly.

      Next time you’re in Bozeman, stop by the high school and have a look around. Maybe you could take in a city council meeting or see the school board in action.

      I do not think anywhere is truly and safely free. (Angry emoji!)

      • I live on the Flathead (Bigfork), and I try to stay out of the big cities as much as possible.

        But you are correct: Eternal Vigilance is the cost of liberty.

  6. And all you folks living there in Montana had better stay awake and keep it thata way. Those evil bastards never ever give up. One tiny slip and they’ll control your legislature and it’ll be the big flush and down the sewer you’ll go.
    Even a hint of a commie entering your legislative halls or other, even local gommermints, ship their ass outta there on the first train, one way only. That goes for all those moving to Montana as well, especially keep an eye on them, until they have proven themselves to be of the right mindset. And the wealthier they are the closer ya gotta watch em. Those that think they can simply buy their way through life are evil incarnate.

  7. “Universally Accepted Reason For Any Guy Doing Something Stupid” Is that a thing? Now I´m wondering what it is…

  8. Exercise caution. Lt. Flashbang, and Enn Ess get it. Many jurisdictions and trending purple hive locales are hiring up retread washout borg bot type officers from big departments, easier to lateral employ certified peace officer credentialed transfers instead of cost/time for academy graduates to replace attrition. Some / many so called small / rural departments are grifting up federal funds to bolster their forces way above necessary population ratios and calls for service needs. I am a law and order type and worked occupationally very closely with agencies, so not a defunder Karen. It is necessary as a SURVIVALIST in this Era to be very gray man and not be a flagging any potential misunderstandings with authority figures who have arrest authority, weight of the leviathan state in support, their own guns, and a get home safe at the end of the shift mentality programming. Commander Zero your quaint and naive ruralistic approach to some real world realities is poor tactics. Being a nice guy and cordial is not a hall pass to work in every scenario. why speeding and even driving close to a posted limit, with guns visually exposed in a vehicle come cop stop time? Best rethink and work on that.

    • Agreed. The Glock on the hip should be sufficient. Nothing should be visible unless the balloon is already up.

  9. Don’t come to Wyoming: -50 below, 60 mph winds; snow, lions tigers bears, (OH MY) Bubonic Plague is just starting to burn itself out. Covid has left huge areas uninhabitable. Liz Cheney is going to be here forever, killer rabbits run run awaay!

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