Article – Abandoned Russian Tank Tagged With ‘Wolverines’ in Shout-Out to 1984’s ‘Red Dawn’ (Photo)

Red Dawn,” the cult classic Cold War film about a group of teens who must defend America against a fictional attack by the Soviet Union, has resurfaced in the very real war taking place in Ukraine.

NPR Politics correspondent Scott Detrow tweeted Thursday that he drove past “a destroyed Russian tank with WOLVERINES spraypainted across it” in Ukraine.

I was going to say ‘life imitates art’ but Red Dawn wasn’t exactly art. It was a heavy-handed nod to the Reagan era (and nothing wrong with that), but I wouldn’t call it art.

Nice to see that someone over there….maybe a foreign journalist, maybe a Ukrainian with a grasp of English, A can of spraypaint, and a Netflix account…….appreciated the situation.

26 thoughts on “Article – Abandoned Russian Tank Tagged With ‘Wolverines’ in Shout-Out to 1984’s ‘Red Dawn’ (Photo)

    • Not at tank. It’s a BMP IFV. Despite the MSM always calling them tanks they are not. The same idiots that call every rifle with a magazine an “ assault weapon “

  1. How you know it’s not a American contractor who left this. They are there. Just like in Afghanistan. The most effective units getting people out were American veterans who banded together to get the job done properly. And their thanks was they were interfered with by the Gang who can’t shoot straight led by old stupid Shitty Britches Biden.
    That movie has special meaning for we here in Michigan. Wolverines are our state mammal. John Milnius wrote the screen play. He was great. Also wrote the screen play for Jeremiah Johnson. He and I share the same birthday. He was a powerhouse in his prime.

    • Don’t forget the Major General who was captured the other day(leading Nazi troops in Maripul,French Foreign Legion also captured or wiped out). Wait til Ruskies trotting him out at war crimes trial.

  2. I smell Deep State ops to stroke jingoistic Right response. So busy waving the flag they miss the coming Spicy Times. Although, if taken at face value, I’m sure the movie was black market distributed decades ago by tape or DVD, no netflix needed ( hopefully they avoided the putrid China ass kissing sequel )

  3. BTW. That isn’t a tank. It’s an armored personal carrier. It’s definitely an upgrade from the old BMP ( BIMP). That carried a machine gun. This has a smaller main gun then a tank. The new Russian T90 tanks aren’t doing well against our Javelin missiles. Even with reactive armor they are getting knocked out.
    Right now the Ukrainian Army has volunteers from many countries.
    Several Para Military Contractors have mercs fighting in country as well. At least three American PMC and one Brit outfit that I have personally seen in videos doing interviews.
    NATO needs to put the hurry up on. They need more tanks and specialized armored platforms. A couple of companies of helicopters such as our 06 Little Birds would be very useful in the cities for fighting.
    The biggest thing at the moment us the need for more air assets. Mig 29s primarily.
    The European powers need to stop listening to the idiots from the Biden regimee. If they don’t they could very easily be next.

    • It’s a BMP 2 APC, upgraded in the early 80’s with lessons from Afghanistan.
      It’s better than a truck or walking, but not by much!

      • Sure as hell doesn’t look they learned much. From what I’m seeing their equipment is way below what we’ve heard. That BS about Russia being a third world country with a first World military seems to not be quite accurate.
        Right now I’m spending more time trying to wade through the bullshit and propaganda. Rule of thumb is wait three days and see if the original report stands.
        Between that and the reports of infighting in the White House between of the Biden Regime. Milly sure as was wrong in Afghanistan and he doesn’t know shit about this fight. His was needs to be fired along with Sec Def Austin.

  4. As far as this General is concerned. No three star walks around in a war zone without heavy security. Period. Especially in a nonNato country.
    French Foreign Legion? Where did that BS come from? France is a member of NATO. At the current time there are NATO troops in member states training Ukrainian volunteers so they can join the fight. They need this in order to last more then five minutes in battle. Otherwise they’re just bullet magnets. They need to learn how to kill Russians. How to use weapons. And survive. Remember not many European countries allow private ownership of firearms. Therefore most have no experience with things that go bang. You can bet your ass that Socialist horse shit will be rethought mighty quick. The Swedes used to have a Shooters Union with special competition rifles. It was much like our CMP. Most NATO countries reduced the number of soldiers they had content to let us protect then from Russia. It takes time to train personel to fight and survive. Not many have large numbers of armored units. The Brits and Germans have tank regiments. The rest have light stuff but no heavy main battle tanks at least that I’m currently aware of. Some may have started acquiring tanks after the Kenyan removed every Abhrams tank America had in Europe. When Vlad started getting frisky he sent a battalion back. Which amounted to a speed bump for a large armored force like the Russians are said to have.
    This is far from over. But it tells me one thing. Putin has internal problems. What and how serious is unclear. But this is a standard tactic with Russia and China. When things start going badly inside the country they unite the population by finding a boogy man that poses an existential threat to one and all. They did this in the days of the Tzars and still do. It’s in their DNA. Patton knew that history was the key to beating the Germans. And I believe it applies here as well.
    Review some of the battle tactics the Russians used during both World Wars. They are running true to form. Wanting to use a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.
    And getting thousands of their own troops killed. But that’s how they have made war. And for centuries.

    • The Russian combined arms operation has been a cluster in Ukraine. A battalion of Abrams and air support including A10s would utterly destroy the Russian force sent into Ukraine. Most don’t remember the Iraqi army was 10 times the size of the American force sent in 2003 and we destroyed them with our effective combined arms operation. The Russian military is a farce! Their only leverage is their nukes!!!

      • The Abhrams tank. The A10 Thunderbolt and the Apache helicopter form a winning team on any battlefield. Anyone have any idea if the Russians are still using the MI 24 HIND helicopter. That is an old platform. Not sure about upgrades.

        • There appears to be a report of one being shot down by the Ukrainians using a manpad. It is also reported that the two helos that attached the fuel depot inside of Russia were Ukrainian Mi-24s.
          The stingers we gave the Afghan mujahideen back in the 80 pretty much neutered them as an effective platform. They were scarry in Red Dawn for sure!!!

      • Agreed. This conflict gives lie to the US military industrial complex and its affiliate intelligence (?) agencies that for years have fed us the lie of Russian armed forces competence /professionalism/ dominance in any future armed conflicts vs NATO. It now clearly shows that the US Army/Air Force and any other NATO member could mop the floor with these utterly incompetent bozos. The lack of encrypted comms alone suggest the Russians are ill trained and utter boobs compared to similar western armies. Threat inflation is a reality just like WMD in Iraq.

  5. There was a BDRM also marked with :”Wolverines” on the road from Bagram to Kabul in 2002. It always brought a smile to my face everytime we passed it.

  6. Just saw a piece on an interesting development. Five Chinese Y-20 cargo planes were tracked from China to Serbia last night. Evidently this was a scheduled weapons delivery. The planes were at an interval of 100k separation. The five comprise 15% of the Y-20 cargo plane fleet the Chinese are said to have operational.
    Why would the Serbs be buying weapons from China with Russia right in the neighborhood?

  7. Question: Where’s the unit Identifier? Russian Vehicles in this ‘show’ have the following:
    Z are the southern Russian units
    Z in a box are the units out of Crimea
    O are the ones out of Byelorussia
    V are the marines
    X are the Roman Kadriov Chechens (real bad dudes)
    A are the Spetnaz
    This BMP hasn’t got any of the above on it. Maybe a Krainian? Seeings that both sides are using the same gear for the most part… Jes’ Sayin’

    • Last week I heard Putin was bringing in 38,000 Syrian ” volunteers”. They are nasty bastards. At least when dealing with unarmed civilians. Not so good when the odds are even or close to being so.
      There is just something about this entire thing that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
      Also heard Vlad has opened up the conscription tents again. Must be getting desperate. You can bet these new boys won’t have much training before he throws them into the crucible. Just more warm bodies to absorb bullets.

  8. Well here is something else that just popped into my head. Read this earlier in the week.
    The Cuban Regime will allow the importation of outboard boat motors starting this year. The first time since they were banned soon after Fidels Paradise and labor camp was started.
    Now we know about the bread lines. Cuba like China cannot feed itself. Which tells me they have serious problems there. If I were in South Florida I think I would be getting prepared for an influx the size of the Mariel boat lift when Mr Peanut was El Presidente. Of course Shitty Britches Biden won’t left them stay. Oh no. You see they tend to vote. Republican and old Joe can’t have that. Last year he was returning any Cubans that made it to the US. The feet dry policy adopted by JFK has been tossed overboard by the Obama/ Biden continuing Regime.

  9. Well the story about the Chinese heavy lift aircraft is still out there. Seems they delivered 6 not five plane loads of missiles to Serbia.
    Still seems odd. Why Chinese instead of Russian. Did NATO have prior knowledge of this before these huge transports violated NATO airspace.
    Also heard Sweden and Finland have applied for NATO membership. The EU parliament is still dithering on EU membership for Ukraine.

  10. Okay. It’s been five days since the story broke about an American 3 star General being captured in Ukraine. My web search found zero stories today with the exception of a blurb from Poitifact that the story was just that. Of course who believes Politifact. Essentially the lack of coverage tells me this was bull from the start.

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