Melancholy observation

Remember this scene from ‘Red Dawn’?

It occurred to me that years ago I saw myself as one of those kids in the truck, and now I see myself as the guy saying  “Boys, get in there and get sleeping bags and food”. Age comes on apace, I guess.

18 thoughts on “Melancholy observation

  1. Yes, and I also remember the betrayal scene where one of the boys went into town and was forced to have a transmitter to lead the Russians clumsily back to their camp.

    Made a good movie scene but in reality, an attack chopper flight would have destroyed that camp. Capture the survivors if you really needed intelligence.

    Today that implant would be much subtler even unknown to the returning boy.

    Best have your supplies set aside friends and not even your most trusted need to know about all of them. Betrayal is something well inside the Socialist-Democrats playbook. Rewarding snitches as Hero’s and such is also common in the history books.

    If you have more than a small handful of trusted friends your either very blessed or most likely going to find out personally what “Et Tu Brutis” really means.

    Two trusted friends are far more important than a dozen buddies when the chips fall.

    • Point of order Michael… Daryl wasn’t “forced” to swallow the commie transmitter. He allowed it to happen because he was a rat bastard. And he got what he deserved. The rest of your remarks are spot on.

  2. Except now there be no ammo to have and the food shelves would be half empty.

    “Country boys will survive, not so sure about the urban and city boys..”

    They’re as nose deep into their phones as city boys.

  3. I don’t think you are in the supply role just yet. That store owner was passive. You? Not so much. I see you more in the Lt. Col. shot down role kind of guy. If you get to live long enough the supply role will happen.

  4. Unfortunately most “country boy” are just a style these days and have zero skills that don’t require modern technology to survive!!!

  5. My melancholy observation is that a small town gas station used to be stocked with plentiful piles of ammo in useful calibers.

    • I used to go into a locally owned hardware store as late as the 90s in a small town about 15 minutes from me that double as guns and ammo. Sadly, it died when then owner did!!!

    • Around here every lake side grocery store had the same. Sold hunting and fishing licenses too. Ammo, bait. Decent quality knives.
      Damn. Where did that America go? It was here just yesterday.

  6. Makes me wonder if Red Dawn didn’t have something to do with the beginnings of the Prepper movement.
    I remember back when the neighbors were building bomb shelters in their backyards. Good Lord. So nieve. One guy gave my dad and I a tour of the place he and his family intended to set out Armageddon. He had six kids. Beds served as furniture. And the Cambells soup and Pork and beans stored there was enough for maybe a week. No toilet. No sink. No water period. And half the structure was above ground.
    Man have we come a long way.
    The Tremors movies have given a boost to the movement too. Good ole Burt Gummer. A reliable man you can rely on.
    Sometimes Hornywood get A things close.
    It was interesting to see some of the Prepper shows on TV.

  7. Lived on southern border nearly all my life.
    Absolutely crazy, invasion, and soon restrictions
    Will be removed. Free food, rent, schools, medical.
    What happened to the Afghan men brought in ?

    • They’ll join ANTIFA or BLM or one of the other Terrorist divisions run by Nasty Ass Pelosi.
      These idiots always have to have their thugs just like the Facists and Nazi’s. The first group was the KKK.
      Nasty Ass Pelosi is a gender fluid version of Hitler.

  8. You had to go there didn’t you? LOL! No granddaughters to send into hiding yet, but yeah we are entering a different phase of life. Armed all the kiddos, but grandkids are a ways off.

    So appropriate the “new” Red Dawn takes place in eastern Washington. If there was ever a willing socialist collaborator it will be Jay Inslee.

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