Mag du jour

Another day, another case of Magpuls. The mag-du-jour for today were the 9mm Glock 27-round happysticks. I stuck another case of 100 back into the deep sleep. And, because I have no self control, also grabbed three Magpul 50-rd drums for the Ruger 9m carbine.

It’s easy to get distracted by the most fervent ban-clamoring in quite a while, but don’t overlook all the other joy brought to us by Team Brandon Biden… inflation is not going away anytime soon, but your retirement investments sure are. And we have the niggling little war thing going on in Ukraine. And ‘supply chain issues’ that seem to disparately affect everything. And interest rates going up. And identity politics still doing its thing. And the term ‘food shortages’ is being thrown around in the media more and more…almost like they’re warming us up to it so we won’t take it as a surprise when the rationing starts.

Things continue apace here, though. I continue to sock away food and other consumables so that I can beat inflation, at least for a little while….perhaps even long enough for inflation to return to ‘normal’ levels. (Whats the normal level? Believe it or not, there is actually an ‘ideal’ amount of inflation…apparently we ‘need’ 2%) More than anything else, I’m trying not to rock the boat. There are times in your life where theres enough margin that you can play fast-n-loose with things, make mistakes, get careless, etc, and not really have it comeback and bite you on the tuchas. This is not one of those times. I do believe things are going to get worse before they get better, and having a job (and especially the health insurance that goes with it) will be rather important.

On a more interesting note, it seems that,as could be reasonably expected, the rising interest rates have started to cool the housing market a bit. From what I read, prices are starting to come down a bit which means that my happy little Piece O’ Nowhere may be out there just waiting for me. That’d be nice.

But…first things first – gotta make it through the Biden years first.

16 thoughts on “Mag du jour

  1. Wait for the foreclosures and tax sales,buy on courthouse steps,might want to speak with a attorney to know the procedures/pitfalls and stay apprised of opportunities.

  2. “….gotta make it through the Biden years first.”
    There’s the rub. Still over 30 months to go….

  3. Yes, locking in your permanent home base during Biden years might bite your tuchus really hard (had to look up that term :^). Rural property cost around here in south Texas is pretty high but the dollars themselves vs. owning actual land. This is where owning land with other family members can really come into its own.

    I’ve seen many ‘enclaves’ of several homes, barns and/or trailers on acreage. A good way to keep an eye on the grandparents without intruding on anyone’s privacy. Siblings around and still separated by each home. And each has each others back.

  4. Can you link to the page or company website where you purchased the 50 rnd drum mag for your carbine. Been looking…

  5. I know you have your plans to get that lil bit of heaven property soon, but take my caution for what it’s worth (which ain’t much).

    A year too soon is better than a minute too late.

    I galted out a year ago to the hills of wonderland and haven’t regretted it for a second.

  6. With all that’s hurdling towards us, thinking out of the box is a must.
    IF there’s power outages, propane and LP shortages, one should consider
    other ways to cook. So I increased my Lodge ware inventory.
    The factory store,, has many great items priced right,
    one should consider.

    • For the last 10+ years I embarrasses my wife for stopping and picking up the nasty rusty 20lb LP tanks that have been thrown out. I simply take them to almost any convenience store and exchange them for $17 and get a brand one already filled. I now have over 20 of them in an out building, And no they don’t go bad even when sitting for many years………………….

      • Check the local landfill. I’ve acquired a number that way — they were set aside on a concrete pad so no rooting about in trash or getting yelled at by the landfill staff. Presumably to be checked for hazardous content and then recycled? One of the big-box hardware stores around here has a propane tank vending machine, so I can swap an old empty tank out any time of the day or night.

        Propane won’t go bad, but it is possible for the tanks to start leaking. So store them in a location where they will stay dry, where fumes can safely vent, and where it is unlikely they will be exposed to fire. Keep the grass cut short, no nearby trees or shrubs, etc.

  7. I had to pick up a number of different magazines over the last week. Not quite at the level you do, but more on par with what my limited income could afford.

    The real smart folk in Washington State took it upon themselves to rid the peasantry of the ability to purchase freedom seed sticks in excess of 10 rounds.

    Goes into effect July 1st if memory serves me correctly.

    Stock up now while the gettin is good. If the nazi’s get their way this will be happening nationwide real soon now!

    Stack it deep and keep your head on a swivel, the festivities I believe are soon to commence.

    Peace and blessings to you all.

  8. I was working for a old well established gun shop back when the Clinton ban hit , I saw the writing on the wall and dumped a lot of money into mags , Mostly Glock and AR, Also HK MP5 mags , They came in just before the big push , I was able to buy them at dealer cost so I did alright . A few years into the ban I was selling some , making some bucks and never touched what I call my SHTF personal stash , So don’t think you have enough because if there’s no Sunset on the ban you need a lifetime supply and not only you but your kids and grandchildren . So take your lunch to work , Skip the 5.00 coffee and buy mags and ammo .

  9. “Putin price increase”

    I seems to me it wasn’t that many years ago America took pride in being immune from whatever might be going on in a socialist country. The Reagan era perhaps? Imagine Reagan blaming Russia for our economic ills. NOT HAPPENING with real leadership.

    I don’t think most Americans realize the dangers of having a truely inept leader. Sure the economy might tank and they may do “silly things”, but stong leaders in other parts of the world see OPPORTUNITY. Biden-Harris could very well get us into WWIII.

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