Rotating and reminiscing

One of the cool things about being a survivalist (or, at least, a moderately prepared survivalist) is that your stockpiles become snapshots of the economy in different periods of time. For example, today I rotated out some canned tomatoes. Tomatoes,  because of their high acidity, need to be rotated fairly frequently….a couple years is about all I’m willing to trust in a metal can (even lined ones). In glass jars is a different story, but for cans….a couple years, tops.

So, I headed up to WinCo, cornered the grocery manager, and asked him to order me up a few cases of my preferred tomatoes. As I was swapping them out with the previously stored ones, I could not help but notice:

As you can see from the image, these were purchased at CostCo in 2020. $5.99 for eight cans. Thats $6 divided by eight. That comes out to seventy-five cents per can. Todays cost at WinCo? 66% more per can. Must be that Putinflation that Dopey Joe keeps deflecting to.

Get used to it.

And, while I was at Winco, I checked for remaindered meat. WinCo doesn’t discount as much as Albertson’s used to, but they will discount by 30% when meats are approaching their ‘use by’ date. Me, I’m a big fan of animal protein, so I cleaned ’em out on small breakfast-type steaks. These’ll get vacuum sealed and put away in the deep freeze for use in the coming economic disaster….which means I’ll probably be eating them next month.

8 thoughts on “Rotating and reminiscing

  1. Good move. Heard the bookstores, those that are remaining, have moved post-apocalyptic fiction to current events.

        • Our food bank will not accept anything past a “best by” date which, as we all know, is silly. By them doing that, they are depriving our poorer residents valuable food sources. Stupid…..

  2. Thought about shelf stabling some? Pressure canning raw pack is not much more complicated than waterbath. Fuel prices may make it cost prohibitive to keep freezers working. Have you planted any tomatos? Best way to get canned is to grow them.

  3. You shouldnt post pictures with the bar code, it includes location information for fed tracking (USDA stuff) just fyi

    • Lets say youre correct, the bar code has the location of where that piece of meat was sold. Theyve narrowed it down that a tray of sirloins was sold to *someone* in a city of 100k people. That doesn’t worry me much.

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