Article – Bullet sales are rising and so are death totals in mass shootings. Can they be stopped?

After a mass shooting, public attention inevitably turns to a debate on the control of guns. But with shooters so often stocked up on ammunition in order to kill as many as possible, many are left to wonder: What about the bullets?
It’s remarkably easy for anyone to obtain large quantities of ammunition, said Ari Freilich, state policy director at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, led by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who survived a 2011 mass shooting.

In most places in the country, people can go online and have hundreds or thousands of bullets delivered to their door, “as if ordering a pizza,” he said.

They go after the guns, then they go after the mags, then they go after the ammo. No reasonably intelligent person should be surprised at this. And, naturally, it’s all “commonsense” and “reasonable” restrictions. Thus, if you oppose it, you are, by definition, being unreasonable. Control the language, control the narrative.

Time was, you actually did need to go to a gun shop and sign out for ammo. That changed back in ’86 when the Gun Owners Protection Act allowed the average guy to order ammo through the mail. When the internet came into being the market, of course, expanded exponentially.

Note that the career nosebleed writing this article continually conflates ‘bullets’ and ‘ammunition’…two entirely separate things. Much like using ‘tires’ and ‘automobile’ interchangeably. I used to see this all the time…some idiot would come into the shop and ask for a ‘box of 7mm bullets’. I’d hand him a box of bullets and he’d act surprised that “There’s a hundred bullets in that tiny box?”. And then I’d open the box to show him that those were actually bullets and invariably they’d say something brilliant like “No, I want the complete bullet.” What the idiot meant to say was they wanted cartridges or ammunition. Its like going into the car dealership and saying you want some tires, then when they roll four tires out of the storeroom you say “No, I mean the fully assembled tires…with the body, seats, and engine.”

Regardless of the semantic issues, this is just further evidence that the culture war continues unabated. Buy it cheap and stack it deep. Prices only go up and sooner or later these retards are going to get lucky and manage to pass some of this legislation.

14 thoughts on “Article – Bullet sales are rising and so are death totals in mass shootings. Can they be stopped?

  1. Couple more stolen elections and it’s done. The plan is nothing new.
    To get an idea of what the plan is read ” the Race to Save the Romanovs” by Helen Rappaport. It gives a very detailed look at what the Bolsheviks did after the Tsar was deposed. The Marxist left will never give up till one two things happen.
    But for now I won’t offer anything I know and believe based on research and information from people I trust. But CZ’s advice is accurate. The Red Wolf is at the door. If America goes down. There is nowhere else to run to. Surrender is not an option. WOLVERINES.

  2. The flaming ignorance of the ‘anti-gun’ leftists even exceeds their stupidity of thinking “Guns can be Banned”. Stuff like this would be Funny if it weren’t so Dangerous.
    Aaand, Ari (((freilich))). Every. Single. Time.

  3. my supplier told me to buy before new years because with inflation and scarcity of ammo making materials, prices are on the way back up, 10-15% if not more…

    • I think we’re close to a bottom in the market, but I could be wrong.
      From what I’m hearing, lots of suppliers and manufacturers are cutting prices to try for a good quarter/ year end or to move product that isn’t selling – some are openly talking about taking a loss to get some revenue.
      I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the marginal suppliers and manufacturers shut down or cut back.

  4. IIRR-
    Gabby was shot by a nutcase who’s mother was some bigwig in the county or sate Democrat party…and the Democrat sheriff didn’t put him on a banned list because of his mother.

    • the shooter was also taken to the Safeway store by an ‘unknown’ who was identified as a person of interest right after the shooting. Looked to be a biker type with longish graying hair, tall with a medium build. It was hushed up by the Sheriff’s office right after the report. Almost like the JFK assassination protocol, find a nut job and make him the patsy so everyone else in on it is not suspected.

  5. Bullet sales are rising and so are death totals in mass shootings. Can they be stopped?

    Require all gun-free zones, particularly government facilities and educational institutions, to mandatorily provide bullet-resistant kevlar vests to all visitors upon entry to the premises.
    Failure to do so punishable as both a criminal and civil crime, with fines starting at $50k per offense.
    It’s for the children…!”

    Problem solved in 3, 2, …

  6. is advertising free shipping. Just got some .243, 9mm and 6.5 Creedmoor (for my nephew). Quality ammo at a good price.

  7. First let me say this. All of the conspiracy theories put forward are all being proven true.
    There are those in Government who do the bidding of our enemies. None are named Trump or DeSantis.
    My opinion of the move to disarm the general population has two goals. 1. To allow the government and its current minions to enforce a totalitarian government system.
    2. To allow the New World Order types to bring in the UN “Peace Keepers” under the guise of bringing order. 3 to allow enemy states such as China and Russia, Iran and the Norks to land and occupy large areas of North America.
    When ask why he didn’t invade the Untied States. Admiral Isoroko Yamamoto replied. ” Because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”.
    The armed citizens form not only a restraint on the kind of illegal horse shit Joey the Drooler is pulling. But it constitutes the largest, best armed military in the world.
    The British tried twice. And failed. Hitler thought about it. But died in his Furher Bunker by his own hand.
    An attack from outside will never work and the world’s tyrants know this. So for a hundred and 20+ years the Progressive/ Marxist left have had to work from the inside. Corrupting one institution after another till 2012 they started going after the election process.
    Marc Ellias should be Public Enemy #1. As he has been the point man on every single stolen election or attempts. From the Senate Race in Minnesota to today with the election meddling in 2022 and is now involved in the Arizona election lawsuits.
    Since the Republicans have proven how worthless they are our only hope is to form a new party. We already have the base. We have the leaders we want ready and able. We leave the Republicans high and dry. No voters. No money. No nothing. Time to move forward instead of going backwards or standing still like Many Chins. Or another moderate loser like the weenie from Commiefornia who was once part of the Boehner leadership. Time to go. Time to move. The alternative is unacceptable.
    If the Republicans refuse to act then we must.

  8. Next comes the ban on all hole-points as they are too dangerous then they ban all solid rounds as they are more dangerous as they over-penetrate.
    Then they come after knives just google “ban pointed knives”.

    • If they do that, much like the one-gun-a-month rule (“I hadta buy another one this month, honey, it’s the LAW!”), most people with guns will make sure to send each person voting and enforcing that rule exactly that many bullets into their bodies. At velocity.

      Can’t happen soon enough.

    • Reloading equipment and components will be on the chopping block too. Having the ability to manufacture your own ammunition will be deemed a dangerous activity and you may even be selling to criminals to use against citizens. Ban All The Things !!

  9. I have reloading component’s to last awhile. I will soon be casting my own bullets. I have basically an endless supply of lead just for the picking on nearby public land
    Just about all reloading supplies are in reasonable supply now. At least in my area. You can’t find everything, but you can get enough to make a cartridge go bang.

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