Article – Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city

C’mon, you knew it was only a matter of time before Buffalo’s blizzard became a symbol of racist oppression……..

As the toll on the city has become clearer, a dozen residents and community leaders said in interviews that structural issues such as poverty, food deserts, poor housing and a lack of investment by government have made the impacts on working-class, Black and Brown neighborhoods much worse. They expressed concerns that surrounding wealthier and Whiter suburbs appeared to be more prepared, their response better coordinated, their power and roads restored faster.

Now, maybe I’m crazy but hear me out on this…is it possible that some people were more prepared and better coordinated not because they are ‘wealthy’ but rather because the things that caused them to be wealthy…initiative, responsibility, work ethic, foresight, cooperation, etc….lead them to also be prepared and coordinated?

I’m not sure what relative wealth ‘inequity’ has to do with being able to pick up a shovel and start digging your street out from a major snowfall.

The truly sad thing is, the people who were prepared weren’t prepared by accident. They made a conscious and deliberate effort to take responsibility for their own well being….but their efforts will be parsed as ‘racist’ and ‘supremacist’ because…y’know…institutional racism and all that.

20 thoughts on “Article – Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city

  1. Always love the food desert argument…..constant shoplifting and criminal activity drives out all but the most risk comfortable businesses…..pretty soon it’s ten miles to the nearest supermarket or eat crap Chinese and one stop shop the Bodegas for all your overpriced needs and narcotics too. Then the investments stop cause it ain’t safe or profitable to be anywhere near there. Add in the huckster race baiting preachers and welcome to the ghetto. Of course….racism(sarcasm)

  2. The government cannot give anything to anybody without taking it away from someone else first.

    So they are playing the race card for an event that has happened EVERY SINGLE YEAR since the last ice age or so. Even I have wood stacked to burn and I live in the desert SW. The people that are unprepared are idiots and it doesn’t matter what color they are.

    “Lack of investment by government” is code for taking away your money and giving it away to someone else.

    I am currently involved at the regulatory affairs level trying to stop politicians taking money away from me/us. So far so good as they just backed down from the latest try. They will not stop and it is very time consuming and tedious to get involved and try to make a difference. The last filing was 1627 pages long! it takes the pdf file several minutes to load.

  3. Who runs Buffalo? What political party runs Buffalo and every other large city and the entire state of New York.
    What’s that you say. The city governments are systemically racist. Well imagine that. The Democrat party racist? For real. The party that was the Party of slave owners who started the Civil War to defend slavery.
    The Democrat Party that is the party who invented Jim Crow. Separate but equal. Segregation in schools and every day life.
    Oh you mean that Democrat Party. The idiots and morons pulling down statues and digging up graves of Generals. THAT DEMOCRAT PARTY. Yeah. They’re trying to hide THEIR history. Because it’s just to horrible.
    The cities they run are war zones. The policies are stupid and idiotic.
    Yes. That Democrat party.
    So here is my message for the idiots, fools and turds in high places. You want reparations for slavery then sue the Democrat party. They were responsible. They defended it. And if any group pays it should be them.

  4. Correct. Another instructive lesson example. At this point any one still huddling in or near blue hives with their attendant “issues” and bad governance deserve to be turned to a pillar of salt when the time comes. Those excuses of “my job-career, my family roots, kids school and friends, shopping conveniences, etc” are literal death warrants in waiting for any eventual occurring survive or die scenario. I took it serious enough to uproot and decamp from such into a real rural, cold, redoubt area just because. My new location’s trailer dwelling underclass community is at least behaved, and cut from a tougher cloth to handle any survivalist fantasy camp scenarios i.r.l.
    Keep prepping and stay alert. However assess the populations outside your hermitage perimeter wire and larger community. Those can be friend or foe for any reasons or at any time. Stay frosty out there.

  5. If you don’t put up supplies for a event that happens regularly in your area then Darwin’s rules will see to it that’s not being a problem again .

  6. “The truly sad thing is, the people who were prepared weren’t prepared by accident. They made a conscious and deliberate effort to take responsibility for their own well being.”

    What’s beyond sad is that the people who were prepared quickly became targets for the hundreds of “professional victims” in every community. I’ve been saying for years that America’s “racial division” is really a clash between the haves and the have nots. When the have nots get hungry or cold or they get the shakes from drug withdrawal, things get ugly fast. That’s something for which we truly need to be prepared.

  7. Commander:
    Do you realize that the left are going to call you a racist for saying the poor should try just as hard as the “better off” to look after themselves?
    Despite THEY are being racist for not expecting them to do as good a job as a white would…
    Double standards anyone?


    • Do you realize I don’t care?
      Calling someone a racist is only an effective shaming tool if the person in question cares about being perceived as a racist. I don’t; I know what I’m about.

      • Commander:
        Did you realize I was being sarcastic about those trying to demonize you, not accusing you?
        Sorry if you misunderstood…


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