2022, the year that was…something

Year-end reviews are one of the low-hanging fruits of the blogging world. And, who am I to turn away a post topic that doesn’t require any imagination on my part?

My biggest goal for 2022 was to, at right about this time, be purchasing a nice chunk of middle o’ nowhere. Sadly, the stock market decided not to cooperate and as a result this particular goal is getting bumped into 2023. On the bright side, with interest rates going up dramatically, the pool of qualified buyers will be smaller, demand will drop, and hopefully prices will start to come down as well. In other words, 2023 may provide a better buying opportunity than 2022.

Gun-wise, 2022 was a fairly heavy year. What can I say, this Biden clown and whoever is pulling his strings have made no secret about their plan ro ‘ban assault weapons’. So…if what I have today may be all I have for the rest of my life, well, I better make sure what I have today is a lot.

As for the rest of the year…no blackouts, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no Xenu, no zombies, no riots in the street, no intruders, no blue helmets….I didnt have to use my AK, it was a good year.

Gilded the lily a bit and beefed up my stockpiles of food and fuel cans. Picked up a bit more silver. Spent a lot of time keeping an eye on the news and trying to scry what sorta unpleasantness may be looming ahead.

As for 2023, well….I’ll be another year older, dang it. Other than that my big goal for 2023 is to redouble my efforts and work on getting that piece of land out in the boonies. And, if a little Serbu semi auto .50 happens to cross my path, I wouldn’t say no to that. Other than those things….not much to do for 2023 that isnt already taken care of.

8 thoughts on “2022, the year that was…something

  1. And you didn’t lose your hat. Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.

  2. Well brother. Don’t give up. Home sales in Michigan were absolutely nuts and the media were wailing about a housing shortage which drove prices to the moon.
    Now. Thanks to Joey the Drooler they are on the decline. Down about 20% just in the last two months. And they haven’t bottomed out.
    So pretty sure nationwide were looking at a repeat of 2008. No buyers because of many reasons. People afraid of losing jobs. Staying were they are for multiple reasons.
    But soon. If you have the spare income you may well find what your looking for.
    Those who had money and bought Real estate during the Great Depression made a great deal of money. My grandmother drove that into my head. If you have the money buy dirt. They don’t make it anymore and if you buy at the bottom. You’ll make out well. Here in my state farm land, recreational land and even building lots have dropped. Home starts that had been financed were canceled. That continues. The bottom isn’t there yet. By summer this year we’ll see.

  3. For me – I’m pretty sure the rats are not going to change their colors, so more of the same.

    Back away from “provided services”. Grow more of my own food; develop contacts to buy/trade/barter for what I can’t grow/raise. Practice my skills more and learn some new ones. Shore up some issues with the new property.

  4. Good on ya man. Sometimes no disasters is a win.

    For me:
    -Firmed up our camping/ bug out gear set up.
    -Definitely improved my fitness.
    -Got promoted in Combat Sambo.
    -Got promoted in Judo.
    -Bought one of those new Taurus 856 Executive Grades.
    -Got a ham radio (technician) license.

    While not strictly preparedness related I got a significant promotion into a new job. Pay raise takes me from barely treading water to being able to get ahead. Also it puts me on a good track for an even better job in 3 ish years.

  5. But,but,but pandemic,jan6,Musk/twitter,school shootings,moon orbits(55 years latter),Russian aggression, energy problems,global warming/ winter storms, trannies in schools/.gov/parent terrorists, no recession, election fraud. Oh yeah, nothing to see here-move along,the revolution will not be televised.

  6. Don’t mean to piss on anyone’s Cherios. Saw a piece yesterday that gave a thumbnail overview of the economic year of 2022. Thanks to Joey the Drooler ten trillion dollars in wealth was lost to the US economy. That isn’t chicken feed. The US had its worst year since 1871. And with that ridiculous Omnibus spending bill at $1.7 trillion new spending it could have a dire effect on inflation and the jobs front at the very least. It will drive up interest rates which have been going higher faster at anytime since Mr Peanut occupied the Oval Office.
    All of this will combine to raise prices on everyday items. Food, fuel, medical care.
    Me thinks that unless this illegitimate President is removed. There is a good chance that by fall their going to be nailing the windows shut on Wall Street and the big investment houses across the country.
    We have time. Prepare as best you can. The actual battle began today in Washington Dysfunctional Cesspool. What happens there will affect every man, woman and child in this country.

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