Kifaru, MH, Guliani


Got my Kifaru E&E bag today. I like it alot. Very heavy duty, modular in ways that leave all sorts of possibilities open and fairly well designed. What I really want is a Marauder backpack (in olive drab if anyone is in a generous mood). I like what Ive seen so far in terms of materials and, more importantly, design. Just wish the stuff wasnt so bloody expensive.

The girlfriend has opined (which, not coincidentally, rhymes with whined) that I already have a fairly decent collection of backpacks sitting around here. Like handguns, sex toys and kitchen knives there is no one pack that ‘does it all’. Thus, I will collect as many of the bloody things as I want.
Toady is Monday. MH supposedly shipped last Friday. I’m guessing it could be here Thursday, but more likely Friday. Believe me, you’ll hear about it here as soon as it gets here.
Looks like Rudy Guliani is throwing his hat in the ring. I’d expect he’d get the GOP nomination. However, although he’s a better choice than Clinton dont think for a minute that he’s a friend to your rights, guns or otherwise. Remember how they used to say Musolini made the trains run on time? Rudy reduced crime in NYC but read about the cost…the guy was more than happy to wink and nod when it came to cops playing it fast and loose. I’m telling you, kids… ’em cheap and stack ’em deep.

5 thoughts on “Kifaru, MH, Guliani

  1. I read Guliani’s book, Leadership, and he’s a huge fan of using the law to satisfy objectives. For instance, he wanted to gentrify an area of New York, so he worked to zone adult theaters out of business. His book really offers insight into his methodology.

    He’s definitely no friend of firearms. Not one bit. Being a former prosecutor can’t be good for us either.

  2. I would like to point out for the record that we have enough backpacks for a small army. And since we’re not having kids, I don’t know who exactly will make up that army.

    I would not whine about the packs if they were stored neatly hung on wall pegs rather than in a tribble-like-reproducing-pile on the armory floor.

    I hereby lodge my grievance for the record. :p

  3. You might point out to the Commander that backpacks can be stored in backpacks, smallest to largest, out of which all lesser backpacks can spring 😉

  4. It’s in THE BAG

    Hey at least I know if I stop by your place and need to help you EE out of there I might not be able to talk you out of your new Kifaru gear but you can load me down like a mule with a full CFP-90! And AR… and Glock…


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