‘Tis Independence Day

To me, Independence Day is mandatory go-practice-with-guns day. Also a good day to bone up on your history and political theory. I think that Independence Day is the second most political holiday after Election Day (which, I suppose, isn’t actually a holiday.)

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; if you don’t take it out and use it, it’s going to rust.

5 thoughts on “‘Tis Independence Day

  1. On another site this morning I read:
    “On this occluded independence day, I beg you to read the declaration of independence.” Which was followed with the complete text. While we all “know” it I thought this advice was very good and it did me good to read it fully once again.

  2. Election day is a holiday of sorts. Kind of like Cinco de Mayo. In Chicago and other Commie Lib run cities it’s know as the Day of the dead.

  3. Tomorrow is Range Day for the wife and I as our ranges have restrictions on Sunday morning shooting, due to the proximity of several churches.

  4. Did an Appleseed this holiday, meets all the boxes, rifles, history, and training.

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