Right place, right time

As you may recall, around the beginning of this year I was able to head up to WinCo and purchase boneless/skinless for a reasonable $1.98/#. And then Bidenflation started its magic and the price slowly crept up to an amazing overnight $0.60/# price increase.

But, my favorite animal protein is chicken…its versatile and goes with everything. So..I buy. And during today’s trip to WinCo I beheld this:

Well then….time to enter Survivalist Mode. First thing was to grab a bunch for myself. I mean, it isn’t like availability and pricing are going to be getting better, right? (Although the more literal minded of you will point out that, yes, the price did, in fact, go down. But…thats a sale, man. A temporary lull.)

Second step, take a picture and alert the local LMI that it’s an opportunity to stock up. And, my freinds, that is one of the advantages to having a small group of like-minded individuals as friends – when one finds something thats useful he can alert the others to the deal.

And this is why I always leave room in the budget for serendipitous things like this. Unfortunately, I don’t always leave room in the freezer….so, its back to freezer Tetris as I try and stuff a not inconsequential amount of chicken away for that upcoming rainy day.

By the way, meat wasn’t even on my shopping list. But I always take a pass through the meat department to keep on top of things like this. Good habit to get into.

14 thoughts on “Right place, right time

  1. As usual, those who are paying attention to what is around them are in the best position to both avoid trouble and take advantage of good situations.

    You snooze, you lose is real life. It will be much more so when SHTF.

  2. About how i felt when I saw drumsticks the other day at .79 cents per. Good on the grill, but I mostly think about the instant pot. Do a dozen at a time, and get meat to make meals with and lot’s of stock. Nothing left but sad bones.

  3. Just went to Aldi’s 2 days ago and all their chicken breasts were marked 50% off from $2.89 a pound cuz buy date was today. So I grabbed 40 lbs. 20 in the freezer and 20 getting canned as I post this. Normally limit two packages, so they had to call a manager to make sure the register would allow me to purchase more. It’s always nice to have a little extra freezer space and plenty of canning jars.

  4. Probably a good thing to have as much food as possible.
    Over at the Gateway Pundit they have an article describing the new lunch menus being served in schools in the Netherlands. Meal worms and bugs are being served. Goes along with the green weenies in Europe and what they are proposing.. And idiots here in the once great United States.
    As I have stated. These people are out of their minds. Reality and these individuals have obviously never met.
    Of course the elites will still be feeding on lobster tails and Filet Mignon. And of course salmon in season. These limousine libtards really have their heads in their own dark places. Not sure if it’s for the warmth or some other bizarre reason. But there it is.

    • MichiganPrepper:
      They keep their head there because they are SURE that that is where the sun shines from…


    • Lobster is a ocean cockroach, think how desperate the first person to eat one was. Maine used to feed them to prisoners because they were cheap.

  5. It cracks me up, CZ, when you post a thread that includes some idea or phrase that precisely matches something I’ve said. Kind of a comforting confirmation. Not two weeks ago I went to Kroger to pick up just one or two items. As usual, I went out of my way to cruise the meat counter. Found Boston butts on sale for $0.99 a pound. Brought four of them home; would have bought more but I didn’t have room for them. When I got home, I smiled and reminded my wife, “ALWAYS cruise the meat aisle.” These are strange times and you never know when Kroger signs a contract and has to suddenly come up with space in their freezers. Strange times indeed.

  6. Thank for the tip. Yesterday I was near a WinCo so I got 4 packages, among other things.
    It’s a good store, too bad the nearest one is 200 miles from me.

  7. Indeed. ALWAYS cruise the meat department, and the markdown rack. Our local grocery store has a corporate parent that is trying to ‘lift’ the tone of our store. They insist that the store carry USDA Prime beef, but it just doesn’t sell well. Then it goes on markdown, and IF I’m lucky, I’ll be cruisin’ the meat department when it does. Hell yes, I’ll take the limit for USDA Prime sirloin at $5 or $6/pound. I even tried US Wagu beef at $8 just to see what the hype was about. That was the best dang pot roast evah! Not gonna be on my normal grocery list for pot roast when I can get Prime steak for less, but it was a really nice change of pace.

    Be familiar with the going rate, be familiar with your local store’s discount cycle (HEB seems to rotate between canned goods, potato products in boxes, and baking mixes every month or so.) I used to never buy any of those things unless they were on sale. Costco definitely has a rotation schedule for paper goods, soaps, cleaning products, and even office supplies, motor oil, and foodsaver stuff.

    That way you can recognize a good deal, and you can time purchases to maximize your buying power.

    Also know which things never go on sale, so that you can buy them when you need them without concern.


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