Election years

I have to remind myself that this year is an election year. As I’ve said in the past, election years are expensive. Invariably, as the elections roll closer, I get less and less confident in my supply of Uncertain Goods. According to the preponomicon, I’ve got something like a thousand assorted magazines in storage. (I know that sounds like a lot, but when you think about how they have to be distributed across many guns, and then have to last for the rest of your life, you start to see that perhaps it isn’t as much as you think.)

There are three things that rise to the top of my Be Concerned About This list during election years.

Potential gun legislation – this is a pretty simple one to wrap your head around. It’s most obvious manifestation was during the Clinton administration. Yes other presidents added their own twist, but the Assault Weapons Ban and Chinese Import Ban are the most visible examples of what I’m talking about.

Economic turmoil – “Tax them back to the stone age” seems to be the Democrats’ answer to everything. Or, as Reagan said, their policy is if “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

Social changes – This is subjective, but the it seems like when the Democrats have the reins there are more episodes of riots, mass crime, distrust, and political warfare.

The last four years have been good to me, but that wasnt because of anything Washington did but rather despite it. I don’t look to Washington for solutions to the problems in my life…heck, most of the time thats where the problems came from…and I hope you don’t either. I will say that for the things that are important to me, I prefer someone other than a Democrat at the helm of state.

It seems a forgone conclusion that its a Biden/Trump matchup this year and both candidates have enough stink on them that, under normal circumstances, they couldn’t win an election to be dog catcher. But, put them against each other and it becomes the political equivalent of two guys trapped in a closet dueling with hand grenades.

I voted for Trump in the last two elections, and I’ll vote for him again (if he’s on the ticket) no matter what the courts wind up doing to him. Not necessarily because I like him as a President (which I do), but rather because Biden is quite clearly an empty suit who mentally checked out a long, long time ago. Really, this election is Obama v. Trump.

Election years are always abnormal. The normal expectations and plans don’t apply. Unfortunately, that unpredictability means that there’s no reason to slack off on making sure my house is ‘in order’.

9 thoughts on “Election years

  1. I confess I haven’t thought about it much. At some point you pretty much have the things you want and can reasonably afford.

    There is always some gun on the list but the standard set of this and that with plenty of mags is covered.

  2. An “election year preponomicon list” might make for an interesting topic, along with comments. Obviously it would be different in some aspects for everyone, but there would also be a lot of commonality I would think. Also it might spur thoughts of “oh, I have never thought about that before” which is beneficial to all. Always better to have more than one set of eyes on a problem.

  3. Yeah, Obama left Trump with ISIS, a Middle East on fire, North Korea on verge of nuclear exchange, a U.S. economy on the edge of a cliff and racial tensions nearing a conflict. But Trump appeared to fix a lot of that. Bandaged the economy, helped slow ISIS and taught terrorists that a sword missile made ‘just your size’ could happen at any time. Calmed the Hell down they did. On the homefront, #MeToo started then slowed considerably when it was found women in the workplace were being denied hiring because of possible future litigation (Would you hire someone that could potentially weeks / months / years later come back and sue for sexual harassment ? Not many would). Then COVID hit and a lot of progress was stopped cold while that dumpster fire blazed.

    Biden inherited a battered but working USA from Trump. Trump’s gasoline prices were down, the business owners had a friendly POTUS who wanted competition to lower prices and the various races were beginning to feel at ease around each other again. As soon as he got in office, Biden undid the Trump corrections which (surprise !!) started things right back up. Who saw that coming ?

    I don’t know how many of those ’81 MILLION’ voters are going to vote for him again but if they do, we know the elections are rigged.

  4. i find that despite my second retirement kicking in, i’m still broke at the end of the month just keeping up with grocery prepping. i’m comfy in guns, ammo, and bout 70% comfy with mags. got a huge pile, but when the time comes everybody will want eight or ten mags to go w/ their rifle. that pile will dwindle pretty quick, as you say. my priority now however is water, an area i thought i had squared away. suddenly issues popping up. along w/ generators that refuse to start even after monthly testing. i suspect non-eth fuel that isn’t. which really pisses me off. i just can’t win…. do you ever get the urge to just sell off all the preps and join the masses in ignorant bliss?

    • “Do you ever get the urge to just sell off all the preps and join the masses in ignorant bliss?” – Yes. Sometimes, acquiring more can become very tiresome.

      I remember a person who I was trying to convince to get at least a month of food / water together told me he would rather die than fight and live under those conditions resembling Mad Max. He would rather (and did) spend his extra $$ on vacation with family and building ‘family moments’.

      • I wonder if his treasured family moments included watching them starve to death or live in fear for their lives.

  5. I think we all have the guns, mags and ammo covered by now. Since war and terrorism is guaranteed at this point, and another plandemic is a given, lay in a supply of Doxycycline, Z-Packs, Ivermectin, HCQ and Iodate tabs.

    Get Dr. Alton’s books dealing with treating infections during austere times. Build an IFAK and learn how to use it. Secure some inexpensive comms that can be used with your tribe. If you don’t have a tribe, get one.

    All of this stuff is currently cheap and available… for now.

  6. “Election year”….. arggg! Biden has made it very clear 48% of the voting population is his enemy and he will use every means to attack.them. So…… an election year rifle, more mags, more ammo, more primers, trying to stock up whenever I see a deal. No Uzis walking through my door though! We’re squared away pretty well, kids have a good head on their shoulders, reasonably equipped and will VOTE.

    On a side note – I’m starting to see illegals in my rural area, complete with .gov credit card so they can buy stuff I have to EARN. Did I mention the kids (all but one anyway) will be voting this fall?

    I really wish it were as simple as Biden being an empty suit, but he’s just revealing the communist he’s been all along. The Democrats are perfectly willing to ride the dottering old man into the ground knowing he will take the blame with him and the next communist will assure us they will “fix it”.

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