Article – Buffalo blizzard fuels racial and class divides in polarized city

C’mon, you knew it was only a matter of time before Buffalo’s blizzard became a symbol of racist oppression……..

As the toll on the city has become clearer, a dozen residents and community leaders said in interviews that structural issues such as poverty, food deserts, poor housing and a lack of investment by government have made the impacts on working-class, Black and Brown neighborhoods much worse. They expressed concerns that surrounding wealthier and Whiter suburbs appeared to be more prepared, their response better coordinated, their power and roads restored faster.

Now, maybe I’m crazy but hear me out on this…is it possible that some people were more prepared and better coordinated not because they are ‘wealthy’ but rather because the things that caused them to be wealthy…initiative, responsibility, work ethic, foresight, cooperation, etc….lead them to also be prepared and coordinated?

I’m not sure what relative wealth ‘inequity’ has to do with being able to pick up a shovel and start digging your street out from a major snowfall.

The truly sad thing is, the people who were prepared weren’t prepared by accident. They made a conscious and deliberate effort to take responsibility for their own well being….but their efforts will be parsed as ‘racist’ and ‘supremacist’ because…y’know…institutional racism and all that.