Article – Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulati

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Pearl Harbor Day today. A good reminder that sometimes things can change in a heartbeat.

Speaking of sneak attacks, the mainstream media (kinda) is catching on to one of the more outrageous things about ATFE’s “Fast and Furious” program. They let thousands of guns go into Mexico and then used the excuse of thousands of guns being in Mexico as cause to try to enact more regulations. This is like the moms at MADD going out to bars, getting liquored up, and then purposely driving their cars into pedestrians in order to encourage tougher DUI laws. It really is the classic case of government creating a problem so it can position itself as the solution. And, mind you, this is just an instance of this sort of behavior that we know about. Perhaps they’ve done this sort of thing before.

But, remember, this administration has no agenda for gun control. None. We’re all just paranoid bitter clingers.

Link – Bunkers (sort of)

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Here’s a link Ive been sitting on for a while.

While many of these ‘bunker’ houses are built the way they are for aesthetic reasons, there are some properties of the designs that would translate quite nicely to my own needs. I’ve always thought a concrete house would be nice but they would all look like parking garages. Then I spot this lovely Japanese house:

Nice, isnt it? Check out the other pictures at the link. I might put in less large glass windows, but I like the way it looks. Solid and impervious without looking like the Führerbunker . I wonder about the durability of the waterproofing treatment on the roof, but Im sure there are alternatives.

Either way, nice looking place and I wouldnt mind having something along those styles.

The other buildings in the article are interesting, although most of them arent really bunkers in the sense that theyre more secure than the average home. Still, fun to read.

Article – ‘Drop it, or I’ll shoot you’

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

This guy hits all the Ballistic-American high points:

1911? Check.
Attitude? Check. (“”In Idaho, there’s a lot of folks like myself who are not willing to stand by and let evil triumph,” he said.”)
Freedom-lovin’ guy? Check. (Well, it’s Idaho..thats a given.)
R2KBA sentiments? Check. (“He lives by what he calls the sheep dog, sheep and wolf theory.”)

I’ll buy this guy a free box of ammo just for saying all the right things.