Sacrificing gear and why your 2nds should be as good as your firsts

A comment on the previous post about the perceived need these days to be more than a little armed at all times….specifically, regarding vehicles:

 If gear or extra guns must be shed, abandoned or cached away from home base in an incident so be it. That excess cargo kit in vehicles should be sacrificial extra inventory items any way. How much is your life worth? It may be stolen from vehicles, the vehicle stolen, or the vehicle totaled out or torched in some scenarios that are indeed possible. It is deadly serious out there, so equip yourself to at least stand a chance.

This ties into something I’ve always found interesting when it comes to survivalism – the notion that ‘just in case’ gear, or gear that you stash away for an unlikely-but-possible emergency can be several orders of magnitude beneath your ‘primary’ gear in terms of quality.

Let’s say that you decide you’re gonna ride out the apocalypse with your Daniel Defense AR, a tricked out Glock, and maybe a sweetly set up Rem 870. But you figure that you should have a stash somewhere else ‘just in case’. And, more often than not, that same person stocks their ‘backup stash’ with a Makarov, an SKS, and whatever extra shotgun they have laying around.

I’ve mentioned this before but heres the crux of things – if you need to resort to your hideaway stash becase you can’t get to your primary gear, then its safe to assume that your life has just taken a turn for the spectacularly ungood, agreed? So, in that time of (literally) existential crisis doesn’t it seem to make sense that you would want the best gear you can have?

Or, put another way, assuming the guns listed above, you show up at Uncle Steve’s cabin, tear up the floorboards, find your Pelican case of hideout gear, and throw the lid open. Would you rather your DD AR and Glock was in that case or would you rather it was an SKS and a Mak?

When people skydive, do you think their backup ‘chute is of lesser quality and construction than their primary ‘chute? When people scuba dive, do you think the respirator and tank that are carried for emergencies are made to a markedly lesser quality?

This is why, personally, I spend the money on such a heavy layer of redundancies. I can take a good Glock 17, a quality AR, and a reliable 870, tuck them into a Pelican case and stick it away in a hideyhole somewhere ‘just in case’ and be just as well armed with that set up as I would be as if I hadn’t had to resort to my stash. And I can do that several times. Sure, stash one and two may never get used, but when its 3am on a dark rainy night and I’m frantically pulling that Pelican case out from under the woodpile while looking over my shoulder for the headlights that I’ve been trying to avoid….that third stash will be worth the expense of the other two.

And this doesn’t just apply to guns. Think about the stuff you keep in your vehicle. I know people who, when they wear out a pair of boots, throw them in the vehicle for emergencies. Dude, an emergency is when youre gonna want a pair of good boots…not ratted out old ones with blown stictching, split seams, and floppy soles.

Your backup gear should be of the same ‘tier’ as your primary gear. Is that expensive? Heck yes. But it’ll seem dirt cheap if you ever need to use it.  Are there exceptions? Maybe. If your primary setup is a SCAR and a Zev Glock you could probably get by with an AR and a regular Glock, for example. But there is not going to be an award given to the person who made it through the apocalypse with the least expensive gear. I have no doubt that a person could make do with bleached-out two-liter pop bottles to store their water in, a ChinaSport 3-9x on their .22, and a Harbor Freight generator. Maybe. But if you didn’t have to, why would you? Don’t you want to give yourself every possible advantage at a time when you’re desperately going to need them?

As the commenter pointed out, yes, you may wind up sacrificing your gear for some reason. And thats gonna suck. But up until that point, you will have a tremendous advantage in your favor.

Everything is sacrificial when it comes to survivalism. Yes you paid $3k for that rifle. But if you go through that checkpoint and you get caught with it you may wind up in jail cell as the world collapses around you. So out the window at 45 mph it goes. It hurts, yes…but look at whats more important.

We purchase things all the time, never use them, and consider it money well spent. Take homeowners insurance for example. If you pay the insurance for 30 years and your house never burns down, was it a waste of money? No, it was not. For those thirty years you transferred your risk to someone else. For those thirty years you were effectively bulletproof if something happened to your house. So, no, not a waste of money. Same thing with any gear you wind up having to ditch or never get to use – it bought you a level of safety and security by its very existence. Worth the expense.

So do it right the first time and get back-up gear as good as your ‘main’ gear. Or if thats really too painful, and I know it can be, get the next step down. But for the love of Crom, don’t just skip the second- and third-best options and sink straight to the Mosins and HiPoints. Scared and desperate future you will thank you for it.

Yesterday it was overkill, today its a minimum standard

It occurs to me that I’ve always found it a little…skewed? …that when it comes to things like a ‘Get Home Bag’ or other I’m-away-from-my-main-gear kits, the first emphasis is almost always on weapons. I’ve known people who have gotten stuck in Manhattan and had to walk off the island during 9/11, or been in an earthquake that brought things to a halt, or any one of a dozen similar scenarios. In almost all of them , the thing that made the most difference was comfortable shoes to walk in and water to drink. Nowhere in there did anyone say that the real gamechanger was having a pistol or carbine tucked away in their gear. (In fact, in virtually all the scenarios people have told me that they were in, being visibly armed would have been a big problem what with all the cops and other folks running around.)

I suppose, fairly, that the circumstances of your stranding have a lot to do with whether you’re need for a firearm is higher or lower. If you’re walking three miles home through the city because you’re alternator died it’s not as high a need as if you have to walk three miles through the city because the power grid just went down and night is falling fast.

Thats not to say that those things aren’t important, but rather that their usage in a crisis is almost nil. Yeah you should have them, but you’ll wind up using 90% of your other gear before it comes time to use that 10% that goes bang. Usually.

But when I think about the situations where I’m away from base, even in this current (mostly) non-EOTWAWKI period, my concerns drift towards the potential for violent encounters. There are far too many deranged homeless people, drug-influenced crazies, politically motivated thugs (‘peaceful protesters’) and just general whackadoodles out there for me to feel comfortable going anywhere these days without some sort of means to protect myself. And in a real crisis, the kind where civilization is hanging by a thread, being on foot with a backpack of useful gear just means that you’re an epic loot drop for anyone who thinks you’re ‘easy pickings’.

I’m starting to think that the real-world has finally caught up to the level of risk and threat the we always kind of imagined it was. Twenty years ago I was far less likely to be subject of a home invasion, mugging, armed robbery, or violent crime than now. Heck, there was a period of years where I never even bothered locking my door. But, for better or worse, it seems like the times have changed to the point that not having a weapon of some sort in any type of ‘survival kit’ or ‘bail out bag’ is just poor planning.

I’ve always kept a G19, holster, and a couple mags in my Bag O’ Tricks ™ just in case….and one of the reasons I got the Ruger PC takedown carbines (or the PC Charger) was specifically for toting around in my bag. It’s just interesting that the things that seemed a little ‘out there’ or ‘overkill’ a few years ago seem like reasonable prudent measures no


A reminder to just give up on Them

Once in a rare while, someone tries to engage me, usually in an intelligent and articulate fashion, about why I ‘need’ an ‘assault weapon’. Years ago, I would have tried to reason my side of things out with them. Perhaps in some naive country-mouse way I think that a light will go on in their brains and they’ll say “Gosh, you’re right. I never considered that.”

Yeah, no.

In addition to that particular would-be argument, I also get the ‘do you really think that [type of TEOTWAWKI] is going to happen?”

Again, there was a time I’d lay out my reasoning in the hopes of causing the other person to come to the same conclusions I had, and welcome them into the fold. Welcome to the world of survivalism, here’s your complimentary tinfoil hat.

Again, no.

Guys, you do you and I’ll do me. If you want to try and evangelize, proselytize, witness, preach, or otherwise try to convert ‘the others’ you are, by Crom, welcome to do it. However…and this is strictly my opinion, YMMV… give it up. The time to convince people to learn how to swim was before the ship hit the iceberg. You warned ’em, you offered to help teach them, and all they did was tell you the ship was unsinkable and that you don’t need that life jacket anyway. The time to try and save these people is long past. Stop spending energy on them and leave them to sink or swim as best they can, you’ve got to find a path to the lifeboats and you don’t have time to convince people that they need to head towards the boats as well.

Is that enough with the Titanic metaphors?

Look, here’s the real deal, sans cloudy metaphors and analogies – there are three kinds of people in the world right now: those who agree with what youre doing and support it, those who neither agree nor disagree and do not purposefully interfere with what youre doing, and those who disagree with what youre doing and are actively trying to hamstring you. Work with and value the first, respect but ignore the second, and stay the frak away from the third.

Stop worrying about other people who aren’t important to you and focus on the ones who are. Its a wild ride we’re on these days and there’s no room in our lives for people who are working against us.

I’ve covered this before. Our lives are too short to waste resources (time, money, emotional bandwidth, tears, trust) on people who are, intentionally or not, working against you.

CostCo price change refund

A while back I purchased some LifeStraws from CostCo. The next week the price dropped by ten bucks. Oh well, thought I, thats life. Until this arrived in the mail:

(Don’t be an idiot…the knife is there to cover the address the letter was sent to.)

Mind you, I didn’t go to CostCo and complain and demand a refund for the difference. Nope. They went through their records, all on their own, looking for folks who purchased this product within that window of time.

So the obvious thing is that a person would see this as a good thing. And, it is. But it’s also an excellent example of the fact (as proven here) that CostCo tracks and keeps records of everything you purchase. Your first inclination might be to think you could beat the system by using a Gift Card..but someone has to buy that gift card, and that card is recorded as a purchase by them…so youre kinda back to square one.

Now, CostCo is not usually my first choice for preps….about all I get that might raise an eyebrow are large amounts of toilet paper and batteries. But, they do sell long-term storage food online and I’ve no doubt that that is something you really don’t need to have people keeping tabs on.

So..yeah, buy from CostCo…just don’t buy stuff in a manner that someone could look at last weekends shopping trip and say “Hmm…looks like someone is hoarding against the apocalypse. Better notify the authorities.”



A quiet (hopefully) weekend just catching up on the various things I blow off during the week. One of the things that I actually do need to do this weekend is reload some .223. I’m still wanting to put a bunch more ammo through the JAKL before I decide whether I like it enough to keep it or not. And, speaking of PSA, they have a Fathers Day sale on blem green Dagger frames, so I’ll be getting more of those and rounding out my stash of not-a-Glocks.

Went to CostCo today, was putting the groceries in the truck, and really there wasn’t much…a case of Coke, some lettuce, avocados, chips, blueberries….and that was almost fifty bucks. Can you imagine? Then I headed over to WinCo, got some groceries, and paid $10 for 3# onions, 5# potatoes, some parsley, tortillas, and potato chip dip. A better value, I think.

When did it get so bloody expensive to buy groceries? I remember when I could buy $20 worth of groceries and have to hold the bag by the bottom.

Get used to it, I suppose. Clearly the people who manage the economy (at least as much as such a thing can be managed) are either clearly unequipped to know what the heck theyre doing…or…they know exactly what they’re doing. Either way, its a kick in wallet for you and me.

I live the kinda life where I don’t need the latest-n-greatest, and I’m quite happy eating chickn-n-rice for dinner every night this week. I can thrive in this environment…but I shouldn’t have to. I’m fortunate that I’ve managed to set things up where I can afford to live fairly comfortablyand securely on what I make, even in this crappy Biden economy. But I know a lot of people who are stuck paying wild rents, car payments, student loans, and then do stupid things with whatever money they have left. And, sadly, these people vote.

Spend less than you make. Tuck the difference away. Do that and you’ll pretty much never go wrong.

Dagger? I hardly even know her!

So, how much do I like those Palmetto Dagger pistols? Well, let’s put the money where the mouth is:

Yup. That much.

I won’t say its 100% a Glock-by-another-name, but it’s 95% a Glock. At, in this case, almost half the Glock price. And uses my existing logistics infrastructure. For the money, these are quite the value. It seems like every week theres a sale with a complete slide/barre/spring package for $200 and then theres some ‘blem’ frames for $60. Shoot, man…for $260 you can’t go wrong.

Anyway, just a quick pic to show that if you like something…well…one is none.

JAKL problemshooting

So, as you recall the JAKL was giving me some problems. I suspected that the problem might be that without a stock, the energy that would go into throwing the bolt back was being diminished by moving the gun backwards as well. Easy way to test this theory.

Fired from the shoulder with an Accessory That Shall Not Be Named, the gun ran 100%. Hmmm. Is that confirmation of my theory? Not necessarily. I tried firing the JAKL as a pistol, from the hip, with the Accessory folded, ran 100%. Now thats a bit curious. Clearly one of two things has happened (or, really, a combination of the two):

a) the added weight of the Accessory made the gun heavy enough that the rearward motion was retarded enough to allow more energy for the gun to cycle


b) firing 150 rounds through the thing ‘broke it in’ enough to smooth everything up and get it where it needed to be.

I suspect mostly b with a degree of a.

A couple other things of note. Last shot hold open was non-existant with Pmags, but 100% with GI aluminum mags. I suspect that is a function of the follower design rather than the material that the magazine is made from.

At this point I had he gas setting at it’s most wide open. I’ll try dialing it down one setting and see if things still run well since I don’t want to beat the thing up by having the gas system open all the time.

A lot to be said for that HK gasless system. Just saying.

And, finally, a few rails of pic should be added to to the foregrip to keep the gas from coming out the bottom and sides of the handguard. Alternatively, I could wear gloves. Or, better yet, some sort of foreward foregrip.

JAKL at the range

This was interesting. It was not the quick and easy “Take it to the range and make sure it works” trip I as expecting.

Loaded up a Pmag with some Federal 55 gr, racked a round in, pointed downrange, pulled the trigger and -bang-. Just so. Pulled the trigger again. -click-. Round ejected but didnt feed next round. Hmm. Racked it and ran it again. Same result. Over and over.

Ok, now I’m annoyed. You spend a grand on a gun you expect it to work, y’know. So, when something doesnt do what you expect it to, you start methodically changing the circumstances. I tried different magazines, different ammo, and different gas settings. (Say what you will about HK stuff….lack of a gas system to futz with is a nice thing.)

Took it home, disassembled, lubed it all up, read the manual (again), and headed back to the range. Annnnndd…I think I figured it out.

It’s short-stroking, but why? Well, its a ‘pistol’ right? But you don’t hold it like a pistol. You hold a pistol with two hands out in front of you with, usually, one arm locked. (yeah, yeah, I know…but work with me here.)

But a ‘pistol’ like this doesn’t lend itself to that sort of thing. You basically hold it at your hip like a submachine gun. And thats where, I think, the issue was. By holding it that way, the guns recoil carried it backwards to such an extent that energy that would go into throwing the bolt all the way back was throwing the gun back as well and the gun was short stroking. Or, in pistol terms, limp-wristing.

Interesting theory, right? How do we test it? Well, we hold it in an isoscoles stance and, sure enough, reliability was suddenly there. I experimented some more, different mags, ammo, etc., and quite clearly the gun functioned much more reliably (not 100% but pretty close) when there wasnt enough ‘give’ in the way I was holding the gun for it to move backward very much.

For those of you who are physics challenged, look at it this way: if you’re in a swivel chair, put your feet on the wall, and shove off, you go sailing down the hallway, right? Because the wall had no give you wound up with all the energy going into moving your fat butt. Now, imagine your coworker is also in a swivel chair and you put your feet against his chair and kick off…same amount of force exerted but you don’t go as far because some of your energy went into pushing the coworkers chair away from you.

So, to cut to the chase, this thing is really meant for a wrist brace but we all know how that turned out.

So, without putting a stock on this thing, what can I do? Well, I can be aware that I need to hold it in such a manner as to give a rock-steady hold that will allow the gun to cycle with all its energy going into the operating system…or…I suppose I could contact the folks at PSA and see if they offer a gas plug with a slightly larger setting.

But, its also entirely possible I simply need to shoot a few hundred dollars rounds through this thing to ‘break it in’. I guess I’ll just have to experiment and find out.

Also, the handguard heats up a it so a VFG would be a nice touch but, due to VFG not being kosher on a pistol, you’d have to go with an angled foregrip.

So, for now, it’s a ‘pause’ on if this gun is a buy or not buy.

Sustainability by another name is…survivalism.

Man, I wish I could embed this rather than just have it as a link. Ronda Roussey, most recently of note for this:

Apparently has some mad prep skills as displayed in this Covid-panic-influenced video. Doesn’t hurt that she’s easy on the eyes, confident, and can take you to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Gotta admit, thats a pretty sweet setup


10 Celebrity Preppers Ready for Anything

Day of the JAKL

Ok, a .223 that isnt an AR or an AK. Why not?

Yes..given a choice I will cerokote everything in green.

The lack of a buffer tube would seem to suggest this thing uses the AR-180-style system that every 5.56 in the last thirty years seems to use but, no…..Its actually a long-stroke system just like the AK.

Why? Well, I wanted a .223 that was more compact than the AR pistols out there which require buffer tubes. The lower on this is pure AR15 so parts, including the lower, interchange. Its only the upper that is unique. This, by the way, is quite similar to Brownells BRN-180, which is a short stroke system, which I hope to also have at some point.

This is a relatively new offering from Palmetto State Armory…the guys that make the Dagger pistols that I’ve been picking up here and there. PSA designates it as the JAKL. Its offered in carbine and pistol versions. With the maybe-maybe-not arm-brace situation the pistol’s utility is questionable but I’m an optimist and got the pistol version anyway. Worst case i can always SBR it.

Gonna take it out this weekend and test it out. But, others have beaten me to it:

It comes across as sort of a poor man’s SCAR, at least aesthetically. Does it do anything an AR doesnt do? Nope. But for a pistol, it provides a smaller package than your typical buffer-tube’d AR pistol so it does wind up being a bit more compact. The gas system is, in theory, a bit less prone to fouling issues than the AR’s direct impingement (yeah, yeah, I know…not a true DI, but…) but with an accuracy tradeoff due to the moving parts up on the barrel.

I’ll take it out this weekend and play with it. In a world of $600 M4 clones everywhere I’m not sure this amounts to much more than a niche gun, but, hey, its new, it’s .223,  and it isn’t an AR so thats kinda noteworthy.