The World Turned Upside Down

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So…what kind of world is it when you want to flee a Socialist leader and his economic policies, you expat yourself, and the country that takes you in because it is a bastion of freedom from such Socialists is……Russia? I didn’t know they had a 13% flat tax. How amazingly… Come up with better gun laws, less birthmarks on their women, and I might have to move.

In further examples of WTF-ery, we have these classified ads from yesterdays local paper:

img008The SKS has not been built that is worth $1300. And I don’t care how much cocaine and hookers it comes with, no Ruger AR is with $4300. And $2500 for an M&P that was dealering at around $600 a few months ago? Insane. And, please, lets not get started on the “Real US Army sniper rifle”. I will confess to being interested in the Ruger MKII, though…although I’de rather get it for $250.

And just to show that maybe things arent as hopeless as they seem, Here’s a shot from the post office today:

IMG_0582No more free Priority Mail tape for me to wrap my packages. Bummer. Hmmm…whats this scrawled at the bottom?

IMG_0581Well, someone has a sense of humour. Regrettably, it wasn’t me showing that sort of initiative.

Indeed, it’s an interesting world we’re in right now. Thats ‘interesting’ in the Chinese sense.

Range time

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Well, even with the cold, any day you get to go shooting is a good one. The fun aspect of this range trip was watching my buddy finally get to shoot his para-FAL that he got several months back and for met to get to try my dream gun – the SIG 716. For a while I have been thinking that the ideal rifle would have a FAL-style gas system and AR ergonomics. The SIG 716 appears to be pretty much exactly what I wanted. This was a wonderful gun to shoot and was even better with the awesome BattleComp muzzle device on it. The rifle was a joy to shoot and I really, really want one. They ain’t cheap, but if you were dropping me into some place with short- and long-range shots mixed in…like, oh, Afghanistan…I would think this gun would be just the ticket. (If ammo logistics supported it and you didnt mind humping around the heavier ammo.) One other interesting mod was the addition of this Umbrella Corporation Grip…yeah, you read that right. The angle and design of the grip ‘forces’ you to maintain a tucked-in shooting style so youre not chicken-winging your strong arm out there. It was very comfortable to shoot and I liked it quite a bit.


My buddy’s FAL was, of course, great to shoot. The slender side folder stock was just the ticket for the thick bulky coat I was wearing. The FAL is my favorite .308 MBR but that SIG 716 might be just the ticket….the only thing that really sours me is the price (although it’s silly to argue about the price if the gun is exactly what I want) and the rather limited magazine availability. Magpul makes mags for it but if they stopped…who knows where your next mag is coming from. I don’t worry about that with the FAL, since dozens of countries made/make mags for it….and I don’t worry about it for the HK since the mags were cheap enough for me to get several hundred.

I, of course, had to bring my .308 along so I swapped out the furniture on it to the winter white version and brought it along. A delayed-blowback…violent and brutal but always reliable..its a love/hate thing. I wish those guys at BattleComp made a brake for the HK91 but they dont. I thought maybe they could sell me one of their AR-10 devices before it had been threaded and they shot me down on  that too. Grrrr.

All in all, a great day of shooting very cool guns. Makes standing around in 20-degree weather almost bearable.



Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

A few days ago I ordered this little jewel. After waiting very impatiently for the Big brown Truck O’ Happiness:

IMG_0578200 lumens may have been a bit much. (Said in the same tone as “Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?”) But, nothing kills like overkill, right? I’d been wanting a tactical light for one of my 870′s for a while but just couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger (see what I did there?) on getting one.

Brightness? Holy Crom..imagine painting the interior of the sun white, filling it full of magnesium and setting it off just as the sun goes supernova *and* the universe suddenly hit’s the exact moment the expand/contract cycle switches. It’s 10x that bright. I think I could strip the paint off the side of house with it.

I paid a few extra bucks and got the model with the constant/temporary/lockout switches. While it’s nice being able to light up your target, there are times when having the light on your shotgun light up might be a terminally Bad Thing…so, a lockout switch.

And I learned something very interesting. You don’t need to buy a forend wrench for the 870..(although the SureFire light came with one)…the 870 has one built in . The slide assembly, apparently, can double as a forend wrench. Now, I would only use that as a last resort since if you have a tight forend you might bugger up the slide assembly and then you’d be up the creek. So, get a tool. BUT…in a crisis, you can use the slide assembly.

I’m sure the Matt Foley* survivalists would say that this is just more expensive yuppie gun toys and that anyone on a “working man’s” wages could just duct tape a $4.00 made-in-China flashlight to the side of the barrel on their $125 Mosin Nagant and achieve the same effect and have plenty of money left over for more 7.62x54R ammo. Who needs a ‘fancy’ light on their gun, anyway?

Uhm..I do. It’s dark 50% of the time and when I have to go snooping around in it I don’t want to have to rely on a Stalin-era fencepost with a ChinaMart flashlight taped to it. Since I can afford to get a purpose-built piece of quality gear, why wouldn’t I?

* = The guys who think all you need to survive the apocalypse is to live in a van (or travel trailer) down by the river.

Masks redux

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.


I have a small quantity of the masks mentioned in the previous post to sell. Email me for details.


Well that didnt take long. Watch this space if more become available. (I’ll also mention it in a post somewhere if/when they become available again.)


Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

I get the most interesting stuff in the mail. Todays trip to the post office landed me this:


Normally an unsolicited package like this makes me think I should a) cut the blue wire! and b) wonder if there’s a buncha guys with earpieces and badges standing in the parking lot waiting to see who walks out the door with the obvious-looking package. But..I had a bit of a heads-up about this and although I was not informed of the contents, I was told to expect it. Yes, I am amassing a fabulous collection of Hardigg products. My house is starting to look like their showroom. But, as cool as the box is (and it was pretty cool..what with “PROPERTY US GOVERNMENT” stamped on it and all) I’m deadly curious to see whats inside. Lets undo the annyoing wire twisted through the locks and see what we have:

IMG_0572Ahh, yummy. SEA-brand first-responder emergency masks, filters, pre-filters, and voiceboxes. Just the thing for when the SWAT team thinks a couple tear-gas rounds will send you running out the door crying. Actually, as an aside, the masks used by our local department are surplus US military masks from the 80′s and 90′s..even a few of the old Porky Pig style. Tragic, but heartwarming to know I’m outgearing the SWAT team on this one. Well, this one and several other levels…but I digress……..

Where’d these come from? My brother picked up a couple gaylords of these things and apparently has some left. (Yes, I used the words ‘fabulous’ and ‘gaylord’ together in one post. Big deal.) The story behind these masks is kind of interesting and while I can’t say how true it is, I can tell you what I heard.

DHS sent the various NYC agencies a couple zillion of these things. They came in a hard plastic case with mask, prefilter, voicebox and a filter that was vacuum-sealed in foil. The powers that be figured everyone would carry one of these in their rig and in an emergency they’d take the filter out of its vacuum-sealed pouch, thread it onto the mask, put on the mask and go fight evil. The unions said “Uhm…that would take about thirty seconds to unwrap the filter and put it on the the mask. We want the filter to be on the mask at all times.” Problem was, once the filter was out of its vacuum-sealed foil pouch, it was rated for only a few months and then would need to be replaced. Kept in the foil pouch, it was good for years. NYC was faced with having to replace zillions of filters every year if they did it that way. So…no one got any of them and they were surplussed out.

These things were issued during a time when there was no real uniform standard on mask/filters for these sorts of things. You know how body armour basically uses the NIJ criteria for it’s metrics? Well, there was not such thing for masks/filters at the time. They made one up after the fact and these things didn’t quite meet the new standard…but thats okay because even then they still do exactly what you and I would want…”Used against particles, dust, smoke, fume, bacteria, viruses, biological warfare agents, and a wide range of organic, inorganic and acid gases and ammonia. Examples: Sarin, nerve gas, mustard gas, cyanogen, phosgene, radioactive dust, toxic particles, aerosols, tear gas, bacteria, viruses, anthrax, smallpox etc. — Also provides protection against industrial gases such as ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, acid gases, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and many more.”

032I had a few of these socked away because, well, what kinda survivalist doesn’t have creepy-scary stuff like this? Now, is something like this really necessary? Good grief, I hope not. I hope that I never need something like this. But…it’s an interesting world we’re living in (and descending into). Besides, while Montana doesn’t exactly have much of a history of being a favored target of terrorists, (With one notable exception.) we do travel to larger metropolitan centers every so often.

Anyway, a cool package in the mail, another Hardigg case for the collection, and fodder for a blog post….seems like a good day so far. (Knock on wood.)


ETA: Some folks were wanting to know if I had plans to sell any of these. I wasn’t planning to but let me check and see if maybe there are more to be had. Gimme a couple days.

Sterno … its not just for drinking anymore

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Went grocery shopping this evening and, to my delight, the local supermarket had a half dozen shopping carts up front with “75% OFF LOWEST MARKED PRICE” signs hanging of ‘em Well! Nothing gets my curiosity piqued more than the chance to get a bargain. As expected, it was mostly after-Christmas sale stuff. Lots of chocolate Santas that I wisely ,but reluctantly, took a pass on.


75% off? Don’t mind if I do…..

So, I started spelunking through red-n-green foil cupcake holders, red-n-green food coloring, and all the other Christmas-y themed stuff and, to my delight, spied this:

IMG_0569Why, it’s Sterno. The favored drink of hardcore alcoholics and an excellent fuel source for low-level emergencies and indoor cooking use. Being the smart fella I am, I did the math….$6.39 x .25 (since its 75% off) = $1.60. And since these are two cans to a pack, thats $0.80 per can. Schweeeeet.

Well, at that price wouldn’t *you* have cleaned them out too?

IMG_0570The grocery checkout guy was a little mathematically challenged…he thought 75% off meant that these cans were half priced. :::facepalm::: Then he realized his mistake and that 75% off meant you multiplied the price by .75 to get the new price. :::double-facepalm::: By consensus, a claculator, and a bit of peer pressure we managed to get the correct price although I think he genuinely didnt understand how that price was arrived at. No biggie…I got what I wanted and, for me, thats all that matters.

I’m tellin’ ya, man…a Folding Stove, a couple cans of this stuff, a few bottles of water, a canteen cup, and a buncha freeze drieds would all fit in a 5-gallon bucket and give you some nice options in a crisis. Seal up the bucket and you’d be watertight, airtight, crushproof and ready for anything…just tuck it away and wait for the hurricanes.

Man, I love me some awesome bargains!

2013-The Year Of The Weasel, pre-cast storm shelters, Amazon

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

I think that I will refer to 2013 as “The Year Of The Weasel”. I’m not expecting anything good out of it, and thus far there’s plenty to be angry about…and thats with the year just being a day old.


While traipsing around the internet I came across this company selling pre-cast storm shelters. What made it noteworthy, to me, was the demo video of them dropping/swinging farm equipment and cars into it from nearby cranes to test the resistance to impact. Very. Cool. If I lived in a place where tornadoes were likely, I’d probably have something like this dropped in my backyard. Ugly, bulky and heavy but it beats being impaled by a 2×4 in 100 mph winds. The video is cool to watch but the guy narrating it has a bit of a charisma problem. He’s an engineer so I suspect being the life of the party was never a strong suit…but I bet he can roll the hell out of a D20.


The current buying frenzy extends into Amazon. While Amazon doesn’t sell much in the way of AR mags, they do sell other goodies…shotgun magazine extensions, Magpul parts, etc, etc. I had a couple Rem 870 mag extensions on my wish list and when I went to look the other day – surprise! – all out-of-stock. Shoulda expected that. Even things that are unlikely to be banned are flying off Amazon. I suppose it makes sense that if you suddenly picked up a dozen stripped lowers somewhere youre probably going to need a dozen Magpul pistol grips, MOE stocks, lower parts kits, etc, etc….hence the unavailability of things that are highly unlikely to be banned.

I went ahead and bit the bullet and picked up a little something for myself. Not because I think they’re going to ban something as harmless as a flashlight-forend, but because once the supply is gone it might be six or twelve months until I see another one. I’ve been meaning to tweak out one of my 870′s a bit so I might as well get started.


Year Of The Weasel, man……..