Radio active

I should mention that in addition to getting that Piece O’ Nowhere purchased this year, my only other thing I’ve been putting off is getting a decent radio. I wanted to get the Icom 7200 which seemed to, from reviews I’ve read, checked most of the boxes for what I need. Naturally, it is discontinued and the newer model, the 7300, is available. Although it is a radio that sends as well as receives, my main interest is listening. So, I need to add that, a good antennae, power sources, and a few other bells and whistles to my list.

My go-to for any communications questions has always been the fabulously informative and maddeningly evasive internet personality known as Ticom. Its not that he’s an expert on the subject (he clearly is), but that he’s an expert on the subject and also has the survivalist mindset…which means that when I ask a question he can give me an answer that might be different from the answer he’d give to someone who wasn’t planning for a descent into chaos and anarchy.

Unfortunately, Ticom seems to be a rather frequently moving target in terms of blogs and URLs. This is why, like Batman, the easiest way to contact him is to make your desire known and then he contacts you.

I think I asked him his opinion of the 7200/7300 at some point but I’ll have to see if I have that archived somewhere. I like to think he could look at the specs and just give me a shopping list of “Buy this power supply and this antennae”. Man, I wish it was that simple.

But, information is power and when the lights go out, the sirens are wailing in the distance, and you have no idea WTF is going on…being able to listen in on the outside world can be a pretty valuable resource. So, in a month or two, assuming I’m not dissuaded from it, I’ll start the ball rolling and pick up the radio in question and it’s ancillary equipment. Then I gotta convince myself to climb on the roof and stick an antennae up there. Not a job I relish.

2022, the year that was…something

Year-end reviews are one of the low-hanging fruits of the blogging world. And, who am I to turn away a post topic that doesn’t require any imagination on my part?

My biggest goal for 2022 was to, at right about this time, be purchasing a nice chunk of middle o’ nowhere. Sadly, the stock market decided not to cooperate and as a result this particular goal is getting bumped into 2023. On the bright side, with interest rates going up dramatically, the pool of qualified buyers will be smaller, demand will drop, and hopefully prices will start to come down as well. In other words, 2023 may provide a better buying opportunity than 2022.

Gun-wise, 2022 was a fairly heavy year. What can I say, this Biden clown and whoever is pulling his strings have made no secret about their plan ro ‘ban assault weapons’. So…if what I have today may be all I have for the rest of my life, well, I better make sure what I have today is a lot.

As for the rest of the year…no blackouts, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no Xenu, no zombies, no riots in the street, no intruders, no blue helmets….I didnt have to use my AK, it was a good year.

Gilded the lily a bit and beefed up my stockpiles of food and fuel cans. Picked up a bit more silver. Spent a lot of time keeping an eye on the news and trying to scry what sorta unpleasantness may be looming ahead.

As for 2023, well….I’ll be another year older, dang it. Other than that my big goal for 2023 is to redouble my efforts and work on getting that piece of land out in the boonies. And, if a little Serbu semi auto .50 happens to cross my path, I wouldn’t say no to that. Other than those things….not much to do for 2023 that isnt already taken care of.