And a thank you to the generous readership

I didn’t want to forget to mention – last week as I was collecting the mail from the PO box after my sojourn, I found a thoughtful card and some greenmail from a reader. I wanted to make sure to thank him publicly for his help in keeping the lights on and the domain registered. When the apocalypse gets here and we’re drinking homemade hooch after a long day of slaughtering zombies and hanging Quislings, me and the post-apocalyptic coeds will raise our canteen cup in a toast to your generosity. Salut!

By the by, anyone who sends me something in the mail and provides a return address will wind up getting on the Paratus card mailing list. So…you’ve got that going for you, which is nice.

And, as long as I’m engaging in wanton self-interest, if anyone finds these brain droppings entertaining.interesting/amusing/educational/pornographic please feel free to contribute over at Patreon. It’s those few contributors who help to make this a better world by making sure everyone gets their recommended daily allowance of Zero.