Who’s scrying now

I don’t remember exactly what the flavor of apocalypse it was, but I had another end of the world dream last night. My own fault…Kung Pao at midnight was pretty much an ‘E’ ticket to this sort of thing.

Then I wake up, read the news, see the media trumpeting an inevitable Biden victory and realize that perhaps it wasn’t so much a dream as it was foreshadowing.

No matter who wins, this election is going to be forever tainted and considered illegitimate by whichever side simply because of the preponderance of mail-in voting. Add in the usual political chicanery of missing ballots, found ballots, absentee ballots, and the classic Chicago-style dead voter ballots, and you get a recipe for an election result that one side is going to decry as obvious Third World style vote rigging.I am also forecasting that, no matter who wins, the stock market will drop like a roller coaster the first week of November. A Trump victory will bring enough chaos and ‘unrest’ that the market will get spooked and drop, and a Biden victory will bring enough fear of economic turmoil that the market will get spooked and drop. I also think that metals will drop alongside the market as people sell their metals to raise cash to either buy into the market at the bottom, to cover calls, or to just ‘get cash’. As all that metal hits the market, the price goes down.We saw this in March.

Right now, I’m trying to wrangle as much cash on hand as possible so that when the market (and PMs) crap the bed I can jump in and buy. If I’m wrong (and I am completely willing to accept that I might be) then all thats happened is I have a buncha cash laying around that I otherwise would have invested a month earlier.But, this is 2020…the year where fortune took off the gloves and started bare-knuckling it. Anything can happen. Fortunately, as a paranoid survivalist, I’ve kinda been preparing for anything.

As I tell my friends, the great thing about being a pessimist is that the worst thing that can happen is that things go just the way you planned for.