This is only a test…

My phone, when Im at work, is in ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode. That means that only calls/texts from people on my approved list (‘whitelist’) will get through. Unless, of course, youre the fedgov and you’re testing your nationwide emergency alert notifications. In short, every cell phone in my office erupted at 12:20 this afernoon.

I recognize that there may be a circumstance under which your benevolent and generous .gov wants to inform you of something. But if they’ve got the juice to ring every cellphone in North America and override your ringer settings to do it, you can bloody well believe they can do a few other neat tricks with your phone. Turn on the speaker remotely and eavesdrop? Cut off your incoming calls? Redo your Location setting so your phone pings your location? All that and more, my friend.

Remember, .gov almost never gives itself a power (or authority) and then never uses it. Heck, we’re the only nation that ever opened a can of sunshine on other human beings. You really think that technology was going to be developed and never used?

Look, I love me some smartphone. I have, literally, all the collected information of mankind in my pocket. I can communicate with anyone on the planet. I can watch gun videos. But I never forget that technology  like that can be used against me by the same folks that license and regulate it.

Be impressed with today’s demonstration of tech, but be concerned about what it implies.

Conspiracy theory thought for the day….

Stock market continues to head towards record highs…but the price of many things seem to be going up (lumber, building materials, food)…and the .gov has printed a ginormous amount of money which should result in inflation, right? But..we don’t see it in the reported (keyword there) numbers.

So, I was thinking about that the other day…we’re seeing price increases in many items, not just the Consumer Price Index items, that we use day to day….but there’s no marked uptick in inflation. So, what’s wonky in the way we figure inflation numbers?

Then it occurred to me…inflation isn’t when the price of something goes up, its when the purchasing power or value of the money used to purchase that item goes down, right? So…all these stock market gains we’ve seen. What if those aren’t the values of the securities going up, but rather the value of the dollars that they are denominated in going down? Couple that with the observed rising prices everywhere else and now it seems like perhaps the rising stock market is the barometer of inflation. I mean, did XYZ stock really become intrinsically more valuable than it was six months ago? Or are the dollars used to purchase XYZ stock just worth less and thereby requires more of them to buy it?

I’m all for stocks going up in value, but maybe it isn’t that they are going up as much as it is the value of the dollar, due to inflation, is going down. Do the surges in the market coincide with the creation of stimulus money? I suppose it could be people dumping their stimulus checks into the market that is rasing those numbers..but, couldn’t it also be……