Paratus Reminder

Paratus is in two weeks, guys. (Sep 16 2022)

Get your shopping done early and be sure to ask your favorite vendors why they aren’t having a Paratus sale.

And, naturally, if you want to get yours truly a little somethin’ for the holiday, I wouldn’t say no.

And just because it’s kinda fun, here’s a link I’ve posted before:

Happy Paratus Day! The Story Behind a New Holiday, and a Gift Giving Guide

This year is the fourth year of what has become a somewhat-tradition of sending cards/gifts to certain readers. However, in case you missed it, here’s the original post from when I came up with the idea. As you can see, if you go by this post, Paratus has been around for dang near twenty years.

Is it a ‘real’ holiday? Dude, all holidays are as real (or unreal) as you make them. Paratus is your holiday, you make it into as real a holiday as you want. In the spirit of rugged individualism and sovereignty, it’s what you want it to be.


.357 rambling

Someone was nice enough to send me an early Paratus gift the other day…a Priority Mail box full of fired .357 Mag brass. Much to my surprise, it turns out that while I have, literally, buckets of .38 Spl. brass I was a bit light on .357 brass. So, this was a very welcome gift and I am grateful to the person who sent it.

Although I like the .44 Mag as much as the next guy, and I carry a .44 when I’m in the woods, my preferred revolver cartridge for survivalist needs is the .357 Magnum. Bullet selection is absurdly large, I can shoot light, cheap, and pleasant .38 Spl. interchangeably, and the guns can be a tad smaller than the .44’s. Is it my first choice for things with teeth and claws? No..although it’ll suffice in a pinch. But it is my first revolver choice for things with language skills and lapses in respect for individual rights.

Although the ‘ideal’ is a 125 gr. JHP, I prefer a bit more bullet weight…I usually go with the standard 158~ gr. JHP. If I’m after penetration, I switch over to the 125 gr. Lyman #358093 cast from linotype. It’ll penetrate everything that isn’t from Krypton. Realistically, though, a good hard cast bullet of just about any shape will outperform a jacketed one in terms of penetration, assuming equal velocities for both.

As for the launching platform, I am a fan of the Ruger GP-100 for my .357 needs. This is based on a criteria that is heavily weighted towards durability and ruggedness. The GP is about the same frame size as a Colt Python or Smith L-frame (and I do love me some S&W 681) and, often, holsters and speedloaders between the three will interchange. The GP has a couple features that, in addition to its Ruger ruggedness, make it a winner for me….the easily swappable front sight inserts are sweet, and I like the modularity of the trigger group for disassembly.

Ruger’s SP-101 series of snubbies is also a winner if you’re willing to tote the weight of a five-shot snubby made out of stainless steel. But, for the end of the world, a little extra weight might be an acceptable tradeoff for a gun that is nigh unkillable.

Out of a carbine, like my lovely Marlin 1894, the .357 Mag picks up a bit of velocity and becomes a very zippy, very controllable carbine cartridge for less-than-intermediate range. Basically, any distance you’d be comfortable with open sights will work. For my needs, thats about 100 yards.

While I’d rather ride out Katrinaville with a Glock and an AR, I wouldnt’ feel terribly undergunned with a pistol/carbine combo in .357. And, of course, being chambered for one cartridge makes logistics a bit more streamlined.

Although I carry a Glock as a matter of routine, I do carry a revolver from time to time in my daily life. In a post-apocalyptic world, the revolver has a lot going for it in terms of ammunition flexibility, retention of empties for reloading, and ability to digest ammo that might choke an auto. The drawback, of course, is that when a revolver has an issue you pretty much have to have a gunsmith….with something like a Glock all you need is some drop-in spare parts.

But, I digress…..I likes me some .357, and I thank the thoughtful reader who sent me the brass (and winds up getting on my Paratus card list). There’s no such thing as ‘too much’ when it comes to reloadable pistol brass.


Paratus approaches

Paratus is next month. If you received a Paratus card from me last year, you’re probably on track to get one this year. If your address has changed then you need to email a new mailing address. Didn’t get a card and want one? Then you need to interact with me more. Anyone who sends me a Christmas or birthday card? On the list. Patreon? On the list. Sends me a gift or just a supportive note? On the list. Intereacts with me in ‘real life’? On the list. Fellow blogger? Usually on the list.

Still haven’t finalized this years design but I’m working on it. Don’t forget, Paratus is the holiday about you, you deplorable, crazy, survivalist. Get together with your like-minded buddies and have a nice gift exchange and some range time. Are you the quiet type lives a secret life as a survivalist? Then use it as an excuse to by yourself that nice Icom or Glock you’ve been wanting.

And feel free to send me a card!

Water cans

So right around Paratus, these arrived in the mail:

I’m not an expert on fire extinguishers, but I know that, once in a while, the solution to something burning is to simply douche it with a lot of water. Yeah, yeah, it’s a different story for electric, chemical, and oil fires, but for the candle-left-too-close-to-drapes sort of conflagration some H20 is just fine.

What I did not know is that these types of fire extinguishers have a bit of DIY features in that they are reusable and rechargeable by any idiot with an air compressor. And, as it turns out, this idiot has an air compressor.

All these things are are giant pressurized super (duper) soakers. You unscrew the top, fill with liquid of your choice (more on that later), seal it up, and hook up a pump to the valve and pressurize. Easy peasy.

What this means is that you can re-use these things and refill/recharge them yourself. So, if like me you have a curious mind, you can play with one and see what kind of range and output you can expect and then just refill/reharge it to it’s ready state.

Now, of course you are supposed to fill this thing with water. (Or, as I read somewhere, water and a tiny bit of dish soap to increase the ‘wetness’ of the water). But…what if you’ve a more creative bent? Can I fill this thing with kerosene and use it to quickly prep a place for immolation? Or as an impromptu flamethrower? Can I fill it with water and food coloring and write hurriedly nasty messages in the snow on City Hall’s lawn? Can I fill it with urine and quickly run the hose into the vent of the car of someone I don’t like and make a statement? There is…potential.

In actuality though, these will get filled and charged, and then relegated to strategic locations around the house ‘just in case’. What makes them postworthy is that, naive fool I am, I had no idea they were rechargeable by the user. For a surivivalist who may need to use one of these someday its a handy thing to be able to reuse it by just filling it with tap water and charging it with a bicycle pump.

So, there you have it…the ultimate water gun.

ETA: Very useful link from the comments

Paratus AAR

A few people sent Paratus offerings…some sent a few bucks cash, bullets, cleaning gear, Patreon subscriptions, or just words of greeting. And I am grateful to all who thought of me. And, some folks blogged their Paratus experience.

Remember guys…its your holiday. It’s what you make it. Take it as seriously or unseriously as you like. But, if youre smart, and you follow current events, you’ll take it seriously. 😉

I hope you guys all had a good Paratus and that we all make it through to the next one without having to use our AKs.

!!! Paratus 2021 !!!

Happy Paratus, my peeps!

Yes, once again it is that time of year. The backpacks are left by door with care, in hopes the Long Range Recon Gift Squad will soon be there. The water is on the stove for the freeze dried dinner, a Walking Dead marathon is teed up on the bigscreen, and we’re all wearing our favorite combat boots. It’s a Norman Reedus Rockwell Paratus! ( Made even more poignant by virtue of The Current Situation.)

(Everything you want to know about Paratus is at the world-famous Paratus FAQ)

As has become my habit, gifts and cards were sent to a small group of people…mostly people I know IRL, or over years of email/blogging…. however, if you’ve sent me something by snail mail and used your real return address, or you signed up for Patreon and gave me some contact info, you probably got a card this year.

What was this years card?

Paratus 2021




If you didn’t get a card this year, it’s pretty easy to get on the hit list…. donate something to the blog through Patreon or snail mail and leave me your mailing address. Or, be someone I associate with in real life who I can actually tolerate. Or send me a card as well.

I hope you all have a happy and renumerative Paratus. Did you get cool gear this year? Did you do something special with your fellow survivalists? Did you get chased out of Cabela’s for raising a fuss when they didn’t offer a Paratus discount? Let’s hear about it in comments.

Paratus in two weeks

A friendly reminder that Paratus, the holiday for survivalists, is in two weeks. In case you’re new here, Paratus is the holiday that was founded to give survivalists a reason to socialize, buy new gear, and do cool stuff. You can read about it here at the world famous Paratus FAQ.

Some of you beautiful freaks will be getting Paratus cards and gifts this year. But even if you don’t, you’ll have my warmest wishes for a Happy Paratus.

Get your survivalist buddies a nice gift…or make plans to head to the range…or hang around the house eating pizza and watching Walking Dead and Jericho episodes. The only wrong way to celebrate Paratus is to not celebrate it!

Got a favorite online vendor for gear? Ask if theyre having a Paratus sale this year. Spread the word!

And, as always, if you wanna get the Zero a little somethin’ for the holiday you can always send Amazon gift card codes or you can sign up for Patreon… either one gets you on the card list. And, really, who doesn’t want to be on yet another List?

Paratus reminder

A reminder that Paratus, the holiday of and by survivalists, is coming up in about six weeks.

I just got this years Paratus cards delivered yesterday. If you’ve been a cool dude (or dudette) and sent me anything in snail mail that had your return address on it, you’re on the list. Note to Aesop: email me your mailing address, man.

As always, if you wanna get Zero a little something for Paratus, I prefer multicam or OD, 9mm and .223, and Glock or AR platform.