Working down the list

As I’ve mentioned, every weekend I commit about fifty bucks towards working my way down the Perponomicon. It’s a bit more regimented and regulated than my previous acquisition process, which was basically to just pick up a few things each time I go shopping. Nope, this is a purposeful and deliberate task each weekend. (And, unsurprisingly, the secret, it seems, to getting anything worthwhile done is…deliberate and purposeful activity.)

The good news is that in the last several weeks I’ve moved a lot of stuff on my list ‘into the green‘. Which is nice. Thing is, though, those were all the easy..and relatively inexpensive…things. $2 cans of tomatoes, $9 jugs of cleaning solution, $20 packages of batteries….that sort of thing. The kinds of items that, no doubt, are definitely worth having on a list but what is starting to remain to be done is the more expensive things. The things like optics, radios, cases of ammo, gold, backup drives, large propane tanks, etc.

And, naturally, at the very top of the list…very tippy top….Rancho Ballistica – Commander Zero’s Post-Nuclear Bunker O’ Love and Lingerie Proving Ground. That’s the the big one. Right now, I’d be happy just to get the land..I can always build later. But get the land soonest since it usually doesn’t go down in price.

And then, on top of all that, I have to prepare for the non-EOTWAWKI. I have to prepare for civilization, such as it is, to keep on truckin’ on. Property taxes, Roth contributions, HSA contributions, insurance payments, emergency funds, property improvements, dental cleanings, etc, etc.

I wonder what would happen if, by some stroke of fortune, I managed to actually complete and compile every single thing I think I need or wanted in terms of preparedness. Would I then know not what to do with myself? Or…