May as well just grab a Magic 8 Ball

Times like these always cause a little war between the two halves of my brain. One side says “This isn’t the big deal it appears to be. Stop overreacting.” The other half says “A year from now youre going to look back and say how did I not see this coming..all the signs were there.”

Such is the dichotomy and curse of being a survivalist.

Disappearing act

So this was the bulk grains section at Winco two days ago:
This was it today:

Make of it what you will.

Because there’s no point in not erring on the side of caution, I’ve been gilding the lily a bit in terms of adding to the already large amount of things packed away. In today’s case: meat. Bought some of those two foot long pork loins at CostCo, cut them to length, vacuum sealed them, and set them off for a cryo-nap. Animal protein at $1.98/#. A pork loin roast outta the freezer, some insant potatoes, a can of corn, some butter and salt, and you’ve got a relatively cheap dinner while the rest of the world has to choose between paying the electric bill or letting the kids eat meat at dinner.

I swung (Swinged? Swang? Swung?) by the restaurant supply place today to check out their prices and availability on a few things as well. They were pretty good on 10# torpedos of 80/20 ground beef at $3.09/#, and they had some decent prices on other cuts as well. But, sadly, I am out of room in the freezer and I really don’t want to have to buy another one.

Between the freezer, whats in the freezer in the refrigerator, canned meats, and the freeze drieds, I feel like I’ve a good chunk of the protein angle nailed down for the better part of a year. Rice and chicken, beef with noodles, spaghetti with bolognese, etc, etc, will all be on the menu. And I genuinely don’t believe that anyone in this country is going to starve, but I do believe a lot of people are going to have to make some choices…..plebian milk instead of organic, fair trade, free range milk, generic mac and cheese instead of the Trader joe’s stuff, store brand crushed tomatoes rather than the Hunt’s or Contadina, the generic ‘puffed rice cereal’ instead of Rice Krispies, etc, etc. Fortunately, I’m a snob only when it comes to ice cream, cola beverages, corn flakes. I can adjust to the rest. But…thats the beauty about stockpiling. I won’t have to…at least not to the extent the sheeple will. And, more importantly, if ‘supply chain issues’ become an even bigger thing I’ll be in an even better position since I’ll have it stacked on wire shelves in my basement while they’re standing in line at Walmart for rationed Spaghetti-O’s.

And, in an even greater Sign O’ The Times, I topped off the tank while I was at CostCo….even though the gauge was 7/8th full. Why? Because the three gallons of gas I put it in at almost $12 is gonna cost more by the time my tank was down to 1/4. So…try to stay ahead by keeping it topped off. Thanks Brandon!


I feel so dirty….

In my defense…it’s chambered in .45 AARP, has three mags, and had no paperwork. So, yeah ,for $100 I’ll take it. Maybe sell it to someone who just wants something to keep under the seat of the truck for euthanizing deer or something.

Still…I feel so…sleazy….

Flour power

I was up at Winco last night and, as is my habit, I took a pass through the food storage section they have in the back corner of the building. And…….

Whats missing? Wheat and flour. Also a large amount of rice was missing. So…more signs of the times.

I checked the Preponomicon just to make sure that I’m in the green on most things, but because I’m easily influenced by media I went ahead and went a little past 100% on a few things. I mean, it isn’t going to get cheaper anytime soon..and availability isn’t as certain as it used to be…so why not pick up extra detergent, meat, canned goods, etc.

It’s interesting to stand in line at the checkout and look at other people’s carts. You can kinda read their life’s story by whats in the cart. It was a fun game to figure out who was simply buying their normal quantity of groceries and who was stocking up ‘just in case’. Having been doing this sort of thing for many years, I can get away with just picking up a few ‘onesies’ or ‘twosies’ of something here and there and still be wildly well-supplied.

You know you’re heading for a bumpy ride when the White House has completely given up on denying things and is now saying “Yeah, we have inflation…and you should expect it to get worse.” And, all those price increases? Thats “Putin’s price increases”, “Putin’s oil hikes”, and “Putins market volatility.” Uhm..yeah…because no one apparently has a calendar. This nonsense has been going on since before Putin sent the tanks. But…now there’s a convenient bad guy to hang all the economic pain on.


At this point I really have trouble working up care for anyone who isn’t part of the tribe. It’s a savage and uncaring world out there and I am amazed at the outrage exhibited by people who are just now discovering that in wars people shoot civilians, bomb hospitals, control media, starve people, etc, etc. Thats actually business as usual on a large part of this planet. Heck, anyone who has even the slightest interest in history can easily point out that humans have been unbelievably cruel and hateful to other humans for the entire existence of the race. Oh, sure, be outraged…just don’t be surprised.

In the meantime, as far as Im concerned, worrying less about abroad and worrying more about your own house is the order of the day.


When PerSec fails in a big way

So, you have a very expensive but lovely home with a hidden doomsday bunker. And…you list it on online brokerages. What could possibly go wrong? Well, someone might think they want your bunker and they want it now.

Detective Allen testified that in the interview, Gilday confirmed that the bunker in the family’s home was his target, and that he had surveilled the property multiple times, even trying to access the bunker from a tunnel, prior to February 22nd.

So this guy thinks that WW3 is about to cut loose and decides he needs this bunker and doesn’t want to deal with realtors fees, I guess. So, he goes in, guns blazing, and decides to just…take the place.

We talk about PerSec all the time in the sense that when things get ‘spicy’ the people who know about your goodies might come a-calling and they may be less than polite. Heck, its the foundation of one of the Twilight Zone’s most famous episodes.

Moral of the story: the first rule of bunker club………….

Up, up, and away

Between lunch and getting off work, the local gas station raised it’s price another ten cents. Thats almost a fifty cent increase from this time last week.

And when fuel prices go up, the cost of everything delivered by fuel-consuming vehicles goes up. And electric vehicles are not the answer that the lefties would have you think it is. After all, where is that electricity coming from? Why, fossil-fuel power plants in most places. Either in your tank or in a generating station somewhere, you’re still burning hydrocarbons.

For those of you on fixed incomes…..ouch.

If they can do it to them, they can do it to you

You know, after 9/11 I remember thinking that while it was awesome to watch the military response and the amazing technologies that were deployed,  I also realized that those same technologies could be focused inwards at anyone .gov didn’t like…and, in several ways, that happened as the surveillance state finally sprang forth.

Now I’m watching cancel culture go global. Financial services like Visa and Mastercard are refusing to do transactions in Russia. Various industries are cancelling contracts with Russia. Online service providers are cancelling services in Russia. And I wonder how many people realize that the only thing standing between you and getting that level of cancellation directed at you is how you are portrayed to the public.

We saw this a few years back with Operation Chokepoint where ‘unsavory’ businesses were frozen out of banking services….and gun shops (and related businesses) had accounts frozen and closed. Now imagine the day when you’re considered a ‘person of interest’ or ‘enemy of the state’ or ‘a racist nationalist’ or whatever the bad-guy-du-jour is.

Maybe you run a gun shop, or a right-wing blog, or you ran for a political office on an ‘unpopular platform’, or you were on some ‘right-wing radio show’, or you protested a school board policy, or any one of the many ways you can offend the left. The unblinking eye of the media turns it’s gaze on you and suddenly your bank no longer wants to process your credit card transactions, your credit cards get frozen, your cell carrier drops you because you’re ‘a hater’ or ‘a climate denier’ or ‘an anti-vaxxer’, your local dealership refuses to fix your vehicles, your doctors suddenly cant fit you in their schedule. Congratulations, you’ve become what Orwell called ‘an unperson’.

So, observe how these industries, businesses, agencies, governments, charities, concerns, firms, and groups are all backing away like the Russians were radioactive. But remember, what they do to punish or compel others can just as easily be directed at you or people like you.

It’s probably not a bad idea to keep track of who these players are in this global cancellation project and be ready for them, when the media suddenly announces your designation as an enemy to [whatever] and you find that you no longer have a bank, phone service, a business, etc.

Whether its military hardware, police tactics, political pressure, or the court of public opinion…whatever can be used against others can be used against you. Plan around it….either stay so grey that they never feel the need to shine the light on you, or be resilient enough that when they do it doesn’t make a dent in you. But, regardless, be aware that it can happen.

Video – Jerry Cans: The True Secret Weapon of WWII

I fully recognize that there have been , since WW2, advancements in design, materials, and manufacturing process. It is not unreasonable to believe that there would be a better designed, better made alternative to the NATO-style (or Euro-style) fuel cans. Certainly there are devotees of the Scepter cans, and I’m sure they have their strengths, but I’ve been using the metal NATO-style cans for 20+ years and I have a difficult time thinking that a plastic can, even a super heavy-duty one, like the Scepter is going to be as leak-proof and as durable.

These last few posts have been about fuel because, well, I’ve got it on the brain since I watched it jump almost twenty cents in a day. And watched what it did to my monthly fuel budget. (Man, I could sure go for some $2 gas and some mean tweets right now.)

Anyway, although I’ve posted about history of these types of cans before, I thought this video might be interesting for those of you out there who weren’t aware of the interesting history of these gems.