Admin – Some changes

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

There’s going to be more admin stuff going on over the next couple days. Biggest thing is that I’m going to try and develop a custom theme for the blog, move some stuff around, throw in a feature or two…that sort of thing.

A few obvious changes…:

Calendar page on right menu bar. Personally, I find these to be a nice way to quickly check and see how active a blog has been. It may seem like I hardly ever post but, according to the little bolded numbers on the calendar, I spew brain droppings at a fairly consistent pace.

Yeah, there’s a Donate button at the top of the menu bar. You may not like it, but then again, you dont have to click it either. Honestly, I don’t care if you read, comment, engage in a few discussions and never kick in a buck or two for bandwidth….that’s not why I do this. But, if you want to kick in a couple bucks, or want to help me get a cool piece of gear to beat the crap out of and report on….it’s there.

There’s a subscription page. (Its the rightmost link just under the graphic at the top of the page.) I guess if you want the latest posts emailed as they occur, you can subscribe. Not sure why you would, but it’s there. At least, I think it’s there…I haven’t really tried it yet.


Admin – On the move

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Crom, I thought I was done with this crap….

Ok, I’ve given up on Yahoo getting their poop in a group regarding blog hosting. I’ve signed up elsewhere and will be trying to migrate the blog there over the next few days. Already there are some hiccups, but hopefully it’s nothing that a fistful of twenties can’t fix. There may(!) be some up-n-down issues with the blog. Please be patient. If I can’t get the database moved over, I’m going to have to do a semi-scorched earth import of previous posts…which means while 95% of the posts will be here, the comments will be off in data heaven somewhere. We shall see. So, be patient, and hopefully by this time next week things will have shaken out.

Admin – Shoot me now

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Man, I am just shooting in the dark here.

Plan A, which was pretty extreme, was to just burn the place to the ground and start over. But there’s a lot of years of postings I really don’t want to lose.

Plan B, which is what youre looking at, was to press the big red button on the Wayback Machine and teleport the blog back to a week or two ago. And undo the database upgrade and revert back to an earlier version of it. And undo the WordPress upgrade and revert back to an earlier version of it.

Lost a couple days of posts, but I can live with that for the moment. I think commenting might be back up. Feel free to take a swing at it.

Still getting some database access errors, though. I’m going to do a repair and see if that helps.

Domain renewal nightmares

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Well, that was a Chinese firedrill of the highest order.

The domain expires every August. Unfortunately, the notice to renew got sent to an inactive email. And when I tried to login to the domain management panel it refused to recognize me. As it turns out the domain service changed its login procedures, with no notice to me of course, and I was locked out. Nothing to do but wait until customer service answered my ticket. Tremendous pain in the ass.

But…we’re back.